Changing a motor control circuit to repeat three times.

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I figured it out, PS1 is a over pressure switch on the reverse stroke, when the start button is pressed, MS closes, but it is still in reverse mode, while the start button is keeping MS engaged, PS1 changes state, flipping it to forward mode, PS1 drops back out, maintaining MS even though the start button is no longer pressed, once T1 times out, the reverse solenoid is energized, but because it is not under load, PS1 does not change states until the ram is fully retracted. Once it is retracted, the pressure jumps up changing the state of PS1, dropping out MS because the start button is not closed.
That's what I said back in Post #17... :D ...and probably the case.
.... Looks like R1 energized-deenergized controls forward and reverse solenoids, respectively... but there are no travel limit switches involved... only pressure switches... so would need to know their location on hydraulics. Currently assuming PS2 and PS3 on ram-forward line and PS1 on ram-return line.
So getting back to what the op wanted to do, an off delay timer set at around 45 seconds, with a contact replacing the start button should work.:)
Now I'm having a problem with that. The OP'er said in the other forum that if the start button is held in, at the end of forward travel the ram reverses, then immediately goes back to forward direction...
Now I'm having a problem with that. The OP'er said in the other forum that if the start button is held in, at the end of forward travel the ram reverses, then immediately goes back to forward direction...

I keep looking at it, and I can't figure out why it would, also my timer would have to be longer than 45 seconds because I would have to include return travel time also. It should compress, return, compress again if the button is held in. T1 clears the holding contact on R1, so there shouldn't be a backfeed problem.
I keep looking at it, and I can't figure out why it would, also my timer would have to be longer than 45 seconds because I would have to include return travel time also. It should compress, return, compress again if the button is held in. T1 clears the holding contact on R1, so there shouldn't be a backfeed problem.
Here's a link to the statement (post #15) in the other forum...

The only thing I can think of that might make it do that is if PS1 is in between pump and solenoid vale, and not in the ram-return line. It would then trip at either end of ram travel... BUT.. then PS2 should have tripped and shut the pump down...???????

It's actually post #34, I was looking back at your drawing again, and just re-read what you posted.
No... what I quoted is from this thread, at the end of Post #17...
,,,,,,,,,and now if you get that all straightened out as to functionality and it has run thru a complete cycle where PS2 has reached it's set point,turned on the 100% light, sealed itself in and dropped MS out,,,,,,,,you now have to toggle the "Key" switch manually to reset R2 & R3 before beginning the next needed cycle. Who knows how this hardware all works,,,is it plain vanilla or smart stuff?

I don't like the system schematic at all:p Yea I know, it is what it is but all paramaters need to be known when attempting to modify.I agree as others have said,the modification is doable but not a good idea.You got to dance with who brung ya.

I used PicoSoft 6 for this but it should work with PicoSoft 3 which is free.
I01 is an input from the load side of the Start button
I02 is an input from the line side of the start button.
Q1 contacts energize an additional control relay that has NC contacts in series with the CR2 coil but not the 100% indicating light. This allows the 100% light to come on at each cycle.
I03 is on the load side of the 100% pressure switch
Pressing the Start button begins the sequence but is then disabled for two more cycles
The 100% switch advances the counter each time it closes. After 3 cycles the counter and latched output are reset allowing R2 to open the circuit in normal fashion.

Pressing the Stop or Locking out the key switch will Stop the sequence and also reset the Counter and Latched relay.

View attachment 7923

All standard disclaimers apply as well as any others that I or any other person can possibly think of. It is also worth what you have paid.

View attachment 7925

Modified as below:
I used PicoSoft 6 for this but it should work with PicoSoft 3 which is free.
I01 is an input from the load side of the Start button
I02 is an input from the line side of the start button.
Q1 contacts parallel S/R
I03 is an input from the line side of the FWD solinoid .
Pressing the Start button begins the sequence but is then disabled (ignored) for two more cycles
I03 advances the counter each time the FWD is energized. After 3 cycles the counter and latched output are reset
The control cycle stops when PS1 increases to setpoint.
Pressing the Stop or Locking out the key switch will Stop the sequence and also reset the Counter and Latched relay.
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,,,,,,,,,and now if you get that all straightened out as to functionality and it has run thru a complete cycle where PS2 has reached it's set point,turned on the 100% light, sealed itself in and dropped MS out,,,,,,,,you now have to toggle the "Key" switch manually to reset R2 & R3 before beginning the next needed cycle. Who knows how this hardware all works,,,is it plain vanilla or smart stuff?

I don't like the system schematic at all:p Yea I know, it is what it is but all paramaters need to be known when attempting to modify.I agree as others have said,the modification is doable but not a good idea.You got to dance with who brung ya.


Never having seen one of these compactors makes it so easy to understand the operation via an electrical diagram alone:roll:.

I am guessing, thanks to clarification by hillbilly, that once the ram hits 100%, everything is stopped, the product is bundled and removed from the machine. The operator can start all over again by resetting with the key or E-stop.
Wow lots of responses

Wow lots of responses

Thanks for all the responses sorry I have not been commenting. I live in Louisiana and I have been dealing with some flooding from all the rain. I will try to coment later today.
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