It's not really relevent that the ECs in a certain area of the country scammed the local communities into making it illegal for some poor slob to replace a 30 cent outlet in his own garage.
Apparently you did not peruse the web site thoroughly.This guy is not only teaching people to change switches and receptacles.And you are also misinformed about the E.C.'s 'scamming' this or any other part of the country,the E.C.'s lobby for less licensing,enforcement and mandatory education in the industry it keeps their overhead down.Code Enforcement is what you should have said,they like to protect their territory,hard for them to collect permit fees if homeowners are doing their own work.
All this kind of thing does is drive the DIYer to hiding what he is up to so it never gets inspected, which makes it even more likely to be dangerous because no one else will ever see it.
I completely agree,but they take that upon themself.No on should be telling them how easy this is to do.
In case you have not yet figured it out, the "plum projects" comment was an attempt at humor. Perhaps you should lighten up.
Perhaps I should lighten up,but safety is something I will not compromise on.I apologize if I mistook your attempt at humor,that leads me to believe you have never been on the job and seen a dead body carried out because someone took safety for granted.I have three times in 25 years,once it was three dead bodies.
As for my field experience, if you had checked you would see my profile says I am an engineer. Most of my field expereince in this area is going out and fixing stuff that should have been done right in the first place by the EC that put it in. I have seen some "interesting" things done by fully licensed ECs, as have you if you are willing to be honest about it.
I actually fix more engineer's mistakes than E.C.'s or J.W.'s.I get prints on every job that have things on them against the NEC.It costs my boss a lot of money because I have to write up change orders because Code Enforcement requires us to wire prints per the engineer.It takes four years to become an E.E.,it takes at least 10 to become a good Journeyman Electrician.The only engineers I have ever met that were worth their salt were working for Chrysler,G.M.,Ford or TVA,and they had LOTS of respect for a good J.W.Not saying that those are the only places with good engineers,just the only ones I've personally met.There are some engineers on this web site that are knowledgeable of the NEC,that in itself is rare in my personal experience.Some engineers on this site realize how valuable a good J.W. is,I see several that think doing this is easy and they are above the men and women that put this work in.
While I think the web site owner is attempting to do a service to the average DIYer, I think it is a disservce to use poorly constructed or just plain wrong explanations. In doing so he no doubt creates some liability to himself that he never intneded when he set out to try and help the DIYer.
I am not one who believes you can learn all there is to know about being a good electrician from reading the instructions that came with the replacement light switch you bought. But I am not convinced that it requires an IBEW journeyman at $60/hour to come out and replace a 30 cent switch.
The IBEW does little residential work outside of the large cities,New York,Chicago and perhaps Los Angeles.This guy is taking NO work from the IBEW,if you knew much about this industry you would know that.You would not be allowed,by the way,to go out and fix a mistake on a Union job,you should know that.You would not be allowed to carry a screwdriver on most Union jobs.
Somewhere there is a happy middle ground. I'm not sure where it is, but driving people underground is not the answer. And once you think about it, you know thats true.
I think only electricians should be allowed to do electrical work.Hopefully TP will not give advice ($3.99 per minute over the phone,in case you missed that part) to someone who misunderstands him and kills their self wiring their own spa.Again,I am only concerned with safety,he isn't taking a dime out of my pocket,never will.