Code Adoption Progress in the South

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Oklahoma - The OUBCC will be reviewing and developing the requirements for alternative fuel filling stations in the State of Oklahoma. An Alternative Fuels Technical Committee of volunteers will be established to review the code and state requirements for CNG, LNG, LP Gas, Hydrogen and Electrical fueling for both commercial and residential locations. The technical committee will review and make a report to the Commission at the end of the process to adopt the code or codes with any recommended changes to the codes. Committee members serve at the pleasure of the Commission and typically their terms will end upon the final action of the Commission on the committee recommendations.

Click Here for an Application: Fuel Gas Technical Committee Volunteer Application 2014.doc The Technical Committee Applications are due to the Commission offices no later than: Wednesday, January 14, 2015, by 4:30 p.m.

The OUBCC will also be reviewing the 2015 Edition of the International Residential Code? (IRC? 2015) starting in January, 2015. The OUBCC voted to create three technical committees to review the code and is looking for volunteers to serve on the committees below:

1. The Building Technical Committee
2. The Electrical Technical Committee
3. The Fuel Gas, Mechanical, and Plumbing Committee

Click Here for an Application: Technical Committee Volunteer Application 2014.doc The Technical Committee Applications are due to the Commission offices no later than: Friday, January 9, 2015, by 4:30 p.m.
The Florida Building Commission held a teleconference meeting on January 5, 2015. The Commission voted to adopt the 5th Edition of the Florida Building Code / 2011 National Electrical Code with an effective date of July 1, 2015.

The 5th Edition of the Florida Building Code is based on the 2012 I-Codes with Florida Amendments. The 5th Edition of the Florida Building Code also includes an update to the following electrical / alarm codes and standards: ANSI/IESNA RP-28-07, ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2010, NFPA 72-10, NFPA 99-12, NFPA 101-12, NFPA 110-10, NFPA 111-10, and NFPA 720-09. The 2011 NEC is adopted with no Florida Amendments.

It should also be noted that the electrical provisions of the 2012 IRC (Chapters 34-43) have also been incorporated into the 5th edition Florida Building Code ? Residential. The previous four editions of the Florida Building Code ? Residential did not include adoption of the electrical provisions of the IRC.
The Florida Building Commission, Code Coordination and Implementation Workgroup will be holding a meeting on January 30, 2015 at the Betty Easley Conference Center, Room 180, 4075 Esplanade Way?Tallahassee, Florida 32399. The initial scope of the Code Coordination and Implementation Workgroup will be to review and evaluate all of the regulatory requirements currently impacting the code development process (code update process), and to propose a legislative path to a more efficacious timetable for the implementation of the Florida Building Code update process going forward. It is expected that any recommendations for statutory changes, once approved by the full Commission, will be delivered to the 2016 Florida Legislature.

The complete Agenda for the meeting can be obtained here:
(Oklahoma) The OUBCC has begun the rulemaking process to update the adopted commercial codes found in Chapter 20 (Adopted Codes) of our rules. Technical committees met, reviewed codes and made recommendations to the Commission for changes to the code and existing rules. These recommendations included moving from the 2009 to the 2015 editions of the International Building Code? (IBC?), International Existing Building Code? (IEBC?), International Fire Code? (IFC?), International Fuel Gas Code? (IFGC?), International Mechanical Code? (IMC?), and International Plumbing Code? (IPC?); as well as moving from the 2011 to the 2014 edition of the National Electrical Code? (NEC?). Public comments on these rules will be accepted from Monday, January 5, 2015 through Tuesday, February 3, 2015. A public hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. in our offices. The public hearing is open to anyone who wishes to address the OUBCC regarding these rules.

Click Here to review the proposed modifications to Chapter 20, Adopted Codes: 20 ADOPTED CODES TEXT DRAFT.pdf

Click Here for a public comment form. (The OUBCC requests public comments regarding these rules to be submitted on this form, however all submitted written comments will be reviewed and addressed): Public Comment Form.doc

Click Here to review the Rule Impact Statement regarding these rules: 11 20 RIS Chapter 20 subchapters 1 3 7 9 11 13 and 15.pdf
The International Code Council 2015 Group A Committee Action Hearings will be held April 18th through April 30th in Memphis, Tennessee. The Fire Service Membership Council, ICC Board of Directors, and Building Membership Council meetings will held be on Saturday, April 18th. Membership Council meetings will continue the morning of Sunday, April 19th. The Committee Action Hearings will start on Sunday, April 19th at 1:00 pm. The schedule anticipates the hearings will be completed no later than 12:00 pm on Thursday, April 30th.

The Group A Codes consist of: International Building Code? (IBC?)
*IBC-Fire Safety (Chapters: 7- 9, 14, 26 and App. D)
*IBC-General (Chapters: 2-6, 12, 13, 27-34, App. A, B, C, F, H, K)
*IBC-Means of Egress (Chapters: 10, 11 and App. E)
International Existing Building Code? (IEBC?)
International Fuel Gas Code? (IFGC?)
International Mechanical Code? (IMC?)
International Plumbing Code? (IPC?)
International Property Maintenance Code? (IPMC?)
International Private Sewage Disposal Code? (IPSDC?)
International Residential Code? (IRC?)
*Mechanical & Plumbing Chapters
International Swimming Pool and Spa Code? (ISPSC?)
International Zoning Code? (IZC?)

Go here for more information:
Being 3 years behind has its benefits. Code books are 30% cheaper.:)
That works if your state simply adopts the NEC.
California electric code is based on the NEC almost identical but not.
Better off just getting the free online version or buying the CA edition
(Oklahoma) The OUBCC began the rulemaking process to update the adopted commercial codes found in Chapter 20 (Adopted Codes) of our rules in 2014. Technical committees met, reviewed codes and made recommendations to the Commission for changes to the code and existing rules. These recommendations included moving from the 2009 to the 2015 editions of the International Building Code? (IBC?), International Existing Building Code? (IEBC?), International Fire Code? (IFC?), International Fuel Gas Code? (IFGC?), International Mechanical Code? (IMC?), and International Plumbing Code? (IPC?); as well as moving from the 2011 to the 2014 edition of the National Electrical Code? (NEC?).

The public comment submission for these rules was from Monday, January 5, 2015 through Tuesday, February 3, 2015. A public hearing was held on Tuesday, February 17, 2015. The public hearing was open to anyone who wished to address the OUBCC regarding the rules. Based on both written and verbal comments, the OUBCC made some modifications to the proposed rules. The final version of the rules was submitted to the Governor and Legislature utilizing the State's online filing system on February 26, 2015. If the rules are approved they will be effective November 1, 2015. The Legislature has until the end of session to make a determination on these rules.

Click Here to review the final version of these rules as submitted to the Governor and Legislature on February 26, 2015. 20 regulatory text.pdf

Click Here to review the Rule Impact Statement regarding these rules. 11 20 RIS Chapter 20 subchapters 1 3 7 9 11 13 and 15.pdf
The Florida Building Commission has adopted the 5th Edition of the Florida Building Code / 2011 National Electrical Code with an effective date of July 1, 2015. The 5th Edition of the Florida Building Code is based on the 2012 I-Codes with Florida Amendments. The 5th Edition of the Florida Building Code also includes an update to the following electrical and alarm standards: ANSI/IESNA RP-28-07, ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2010, NFPA 72-10, NFPA 99-12, NFPA 101-12, NFPA 110-10, NFPA 111-10, and NFPA 720-09. The 2011 NEC is adopted with no Florida Amendments.

Section 2704 of the 2010 FBC-B and Section E3402.1 of the 2010 FBC-R regarding "bonding of metal framing members" will no longer be included in the 5th edition of the Florida Building Code. It should also be noted the electrical provisions of the 2012 IRC (Chapters 34-43) have been incorporated into the 5th edition Florida Building Code ? Residential. The previous four editions of the Florida Building Code ? Residential did not include adoption of the electrical provisions of the IRC.

Florida Senate Bill 466 as related to "low-voltage alarm systems" was approved by the Governor on May 21, 2015. The provisions of this Bill go into effect on July 1, 2015. The Bill amends Florida Statute 553.793 by revising the definition of the term "low-voltage alarm system project" and adding the definition of the term "wireless alarm system"; providing that a permit is not required to install, maintain, inspect, replace, or service a wireless alarm system and its ancillary components; reducing the maximum price for permit labels for alarm systems; prohibiting a local enforcement agency from requiring the payment of any additional fees, charges, or expenses associated with the installation or replacement of a new or existing alarm system; and authorizing a local enforcement agency to coordinate the inspection of certain alarm system projects. Complete details of the law can be found by clicking here:
The Florida Building Commission has adopted the 5th Edition of the Florida Building Code / 2011 National Electrical Code with an effective date of July 1, 2015. The 5th Edition of the Florida Building Code is based on the 2012 I-Codes with Florida Amendments. The 5th Edition of the Florida Building Code also includes an update to the following electrical and alarm standards: ANSI/IESNA RP-28-07, ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2010, NFPA 72-10, NFPA 99-12, NFPA 101-12, NFPA 110-10, NFPA 111-10, and NFPA 720-09. The 2011 NEC is adopted with no Florida Amendments.

Section 2704 of the 2010 FBC-B and Section E3402.1 of the 2010 FBC-R regarding "bonding of metal framing members" will no longer be included in the 5th edition of the Florida Building Code. It should also be noted the electrical provisions of the 2012 IRC (Chapters 34-43) have been incorporated into the 5th edition Florida Building Code ? Residential. The previous four editions of the Florida Building Code ? Residential did not include adoption of the electrical provisions of the IRC.

Florida Senate Bill 466 as related to "low-voltage alarm systems" was approved by the Governor on May 21, 2015. The provisions of this Bill go into effect on July 1, 2015. The Bill amends Florida Statute 553.793 by revising the definition of the term "low-voltage alarm system project" and adding the definition of the term "wireless alarm system"; providing that a permit is not required to install, maintain, inspect, replace, or service a wireless alarm system and its ancillary components; reducing the maximum price for permit labels for alarm systems; prohibiting a local enforcement agency from requiring the payment of any additional fees, charges, or expenses associated with the installation or replacement of a new or existing alarm system; and authorizing a local enforcement agency to coordinate the inspection of certain alarm system projects. Complete details of the law can be found by clicking here:

LOL...just can't stay away can
The Code Study Committee selected by the South Carolina Building Codes Council will begin reviewing the 2015 International Codes and the 2014 National Electrical Code on July 7, 8 and 28, 2015. The meetings will begin at 10:30 AM in the Denny Auditorium located at the South Carolina Fire Academy. The Academy is located at 141 Monticello Trail, Columbia, SC 29203. An agenda will be published on the Building Codes Council website and will contain the meeting schedule. Proposed modifications to the updated codes that will be heard are available for your review here:

Also, the Building Codes Council is asking for volunteers to serve on the Specialty Committee during the adoption process. The Committee will consist of persons who qualify under South Carolina Regulation 8-246 which reads in part:

Specialty members will be selected to represent a segment of the construction industry that may be affected by a specific building code modification or to provide specialized knowledge to the Study Committee within his or her area of expertise. Specialty members will have full rights to participate and vote on any issue within their areas of expertise. Specialty members will be selected by the Council chair, vice chair and staff from a pool of volunteers and may consist of representatives of any segment of the construction industry, including specialized code enforcement officers and fire officials.

Anyone interested in serving as a specialty member is requested to send a brief resume to the Council Administrator, Roger Lowe, at or mail to: Roger Lowe, 110 Centerview Drive, Columbia, SC 29211 by June 30, 2015.
The 2012 Virginia Uniform Statewide Construction Code (USBC) went into effective on July 14, 2014. However, users of the code are permitted to utilize the 2009 USBC for a one-year period after the effective date for the design, installation and maintenance of electrical systems. This one-year period expires on July 14, 2015.

The 2012 Virginia Uniform Statewide Construction Code (USBC) is comprised of three parts; construction code, rehabilitation code and maintenance code. The 2012 USBC references the 2011 National Electrical Code. The Virginia Rehabilitation Code contains optional regulations specific to the rehabilitation of existing buildings that may be used as an acceptable alternative to the Virginia Construction Code. The purpose of the Virginia Rehabilitation Code is to facilitate the rehabilitation of vacant, substandard or unsafe residential and commercial structures. The Virginia Maintenance Code provides regulations to protect occupants of existing buildings and structures from health and safety hazards arising from the improper maintenance and use of those buildings and structures. Any local government may enforce the Virginia Maintenance Code and may assign enforcement responsibility to a local agency of its choice.

The regulatory process for the development of the 2015 Virginia Uniform Statewide Construction Code (USBC) will begin late 2015 or early 2016.
And Peter is simply sharing his opinion.

And there is an entire Forum here for him to do so. This is not a thread on the merits of adopting the 2014 NEC. I provide this information for the benefit of the members of this Forum.

If Peter wants to complain about the 2014, he is more than capable of starting his own thread or jump in on one of the other multitudes of threads whining about the NEC and its requirements.

Just sharing my opinion.
And there is an entire Forum here for him to do so. This is not a thread on the merits of adopting the 2014 NEC. I provide this information for the benefit of the members of this Forum.

If Peter wants to complain about the 2014, he is more than capable of starting his own thread or jump in on one of the other multitudes of threads whining about the NEC and its requirements.

Just sharing my opinion.
So you now own and control this forum?
So you now own and control this forum?

Really Don? After 10+ years participating on this Forum, I am quite aware of how things work around here...

I simply asked Peter to not threadjack this particular topic like you are now doing. Peter and you have much more to offer the members of this Forum than going around and picking fights with people.
Really Don? After 10+ years participating on this Forum, I am quite aware of how things work around here...

I simply asked Peter to not threadjack this particular topic like you are now doing. Peter and you have much more to offer the members of this Forum than going around and picking fights with people.
I just don't see any problem with his post.
The Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Office of the State Fire Marshal, Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council (LSUCCC) has exercised the emergency provision of the Administrative Procedure Act to amend, supplement and expand portions of and readopt LAC 55:VI.301 in the State Uniform Construction Code. Furthermore, the LSUCCC has found an immediate need to adopt additional amendments of the current solar provisions in the International Building Code, International Residential Code, and the National Electrical Code regarding safety for first responders. This Emergency Rule went into effective on July 20, 2015 and shall be in effect for the maximum period allowed under the Act or until adoption of the final Rule, whichever occurs first.

The LSUCCC is promulgating this rule adoption and amendments to provide greater safety for first responders and those providing maintenance on solar modules and systems. At present, the existing code language adopted by the state does not provide an adequate level of safety to the first responders. This Emergency Rule addresses this issue by providing for access pathways, roof ventilation areas and new technology to shut the electricity down at the solar module in case of emergency.

The entire text of the rule, including the additional amendments to the International Building Code, International Residential Code, and the National Electrical Code can be downloaded by clicking here:
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