Florida code change proposals to the 2014 NEC / 2015 I-Codes are now available for review and comment. The deadline for making comment on the code change proposals is February 25, 2016 (the end of the first 45 day comment period).
There are (15) proposals that may be of interest to you:
1. Mod #6770 Sec 908.7 IBC relocates an AHCA exception for CO alarms to a more appropriate location
2. Mod #6782 Sec C405.6.3 IECC removes the requirement for 2% VD on feeders and 3% VD on branch circuit and adds a general requirement for 5% maximum VD
3. Mod #7078 Sec E3902.16 IRC deletes the expansion of AFCI protection to kitchens and laundry areas
4. Mod #6460 Sec 2703 IBC expands the requirements for lightning protection systems and surge protection devices in commercial occupancies
5. Mod #6458 Chapter 35 IBC updates the NFPA 780 reference to the current edition
6. Mod #6452 Sec 454. IBC restores the requirements for underwater luminaires in swimming pools to that as permitted in the 2014 NEC
7. Mod #6529 Sec 302.6 IEBC adds GFCI & bonding requirements to existing swimming pools
8. Mod #6530 Sec R4501.16 IRC adds GFCI requirements to new residential (private) swimming pools
9. Mod #6531 Sec 454.1.4.1 / 2.16 IBC adds GFCI requirement to new commercial (private and public) swimming pools
10. Mod #6498 Sec 110.9 IBC adds GFCI and bonding inspection requirements to existing swimming pools
11. Mod #6491 Sec E4203.1.3 IBC adds GFCI requirements to residential swimming pools
12. Mod #6492 Sec 680.21(C) NEC adds GFCI requirements to swimming pool branch circuits
13. Mod #6493 Sec 413.1 IEBC adds GFCI & bonding requirements to existing swimming pools
14. Mod #6494 Sec 709.1 IEBC adds GFCI & bonding requirement to existing swimming pools
15. Mod #6496 Sec 454.1.10.4 IBC adds GFCI requirements to commercial swimming pools
To review the proposed code changes or submit comment on a proposed code change, please visit the link below and then follow the following instructions:
Submitting a comment on a Mod. One can submit either a general comment or an alternate language to the proposed code modification:
General comments are for any comment that doesn’t include alternate language. This section is a Text box for users to either cut and paste into or type live.
If you find a mod that you feel would be improved if it had different language you can submit an alternate language comment. Once you click on “submit a Comment on a Code Modification” select the Alternate language radio button. You will be taken to a search screen. Search for the Mod you wish to comment on and scroll to the bottom and click on “Submit Comment”. Here add the text of the Modification as the text of the Comment.
Searching for Mods: If you happen to not know the mod number you can search by other parameters. You can select the criteria by which you wish to search for mods. You can start as low as the mod number or go broader to search by TAC or search the widest by the 2017 code. In most cases selection is done by a group i.e. by TAC, by section of the code, proponent etc. These can greatly narrow down your results to just a few mods. If your search returns no results, remove some of your selected variables until you get the desired results.
1. From the homepage log in and then go to “Proposed Code Modifications”
2. Click on “Find a Proposed Code Modification”
3. Select the criteria by which you wish to select, in this case we will do by TAC, so select TAC > Code Administration from the dropdown.
4. Then click search
5. Once you have found the mod you want to comment on you can click on that mod and at the bottom of the mod page select “Submit Comment” make a note of the number and from the homepage select Proposed Code Modifications > Submit Comment On Proposed Code Modification
6. On the next screen should display a selection screen to whether you want an alternate language comment or just a general comment.