That BICSI page makes no sense, sorry. Someone tell me why who owns the PBX changes the circuit to a 725 install or an 800 install? Electrically, are they not identical? Also, if I run cat6 from a patch panel (or 110 block)to a keystone, there is no telling what IT guy is going to hook to the backbone cabling. Yes, chances are high it will be IT equipment but as Hal can tell you, if it's 110 to keystone, it might just be POTS. I've never had an inspector ask me the purpose of my cabling. Maybe they dont know, dont care, or it just doesnt matter. From experience, if you use the correct cable type (CM, CMR, CMP) for the app and support/firestop it correctly, that's about all you need to pass an inspection. Sad but (mostly) true.
Also, they write that POTS is 800 but a VoIP install is 725. As Hal wrote above, that's bass ackward too.