OK, Starting with a fresh posting, what Crossman drew previously is very close to what is happening with the helicopter (and I'll steal your drawing).
Oh, One preface: Please don't hold it against me if I screw up the polarity differences between the direction of current flow and charge flow. I have a hard enough time keeping this straight in simple situations, and it really is not important which direction is which for this application.
What Crossman drew is an electric dipole--one positive point source, and one negative point source. Even though the near-infinite-length power wire doesn't fit the model of a dipole, for a 2-dimensional representation, it is close enough for this discussion. The Earth and the power pole are actually negligible, and you will see the reason in a moment (i.e. more than 12 feet).
One body represents the power line and the other body represents the helicopter. The resistor between the two bodies actually represents the ionized air between the line and the probe.
Ironically, this whole concept was just described on the History channel just one hour ago. Even though this was a repeat episode, the one piece of information I picked up this time around that I hadn't specifically noted before was that the area of influence from a 500kV line is 12 feet, so I will use their number as a reference
(This is part of the math that I said 28 pages ago that I didn't want to calculate myself).
When the helicopter is outside of this 12 foot radius, it will have some neutral voltage. (We don't know this voltage, nor do we care, because we are going to charge this anyway.)
When the helicopter gets within this 12 foot radius, the technician extends the probe to ensure that the metallic probe is the closest conductor to the line. Up to this point, there is no charge transfer between the line and the helicopter, but the helicopter is becoming immersed in the electric field of the line. Without a charge transfer, the helicopter (as a whole) has not changed its voltage with respect to the line. There will be some changes in charge distribution across the components of the helicopter because some components are more deeply immersed in the electric field than others, but this is really not terribly applicable to the overall concept yet.
When the probe gets within a foot or two of the line, the voltage difference between the helicopter and the power line exceeds the dielectric breakdown voltage of air for the specific distance (I believe this is 20,320 volts per inch at STP, so the initial breakdown for 500kV should be about 2 feet.) At this point, we now have a high-resistance current-path/current-transfer between the line and the helicopter.
As I stated in the original supposition, the helicopter hovers within this band of breakdown without fully contacting the line. I personally don't know the conductivity of air under these conditions (ionization, temp, etc), but if we (anyone out there) knew this, we could use Ohm's Law to tell us how much current was flowing, based on the voltage difference between the line and helicopter, and the distance.
So for the positive half-cycle of the power line, the line will be delivering current to (pulling charge from) the helicopter in an effort to equalize the voltage between the two. Because this is occurring via a high-resistance conductor (air) the charge transfer will be slowed down (similar to an RC charge time).
(Edited to fix the current/charge polarity here.)
Since the charge transfer is happening slow, due to the RC time, we can't ever fully charge the helicopter to equal the potential of the power line. But just as we are getting close to bringing the helicopter up to the 500kV charge, our buddy, George Westinghouse, does a flip-flop, and the power line goes into its negative half-cycle. Now we have a helicopter with a positive voltage, and a power line with a negative voltage. So the charge transfer reverses, and we start dumping charge back into the helicopter in order to reduce the voltage of the helicopter relative to the line.
Because this is occurring with an extremely high voltage, with a high resistance path, we can never keep up with the charge transfer, and can never equalize the potential difference between the two bodies. As a result, the conductor between the helicopter and the line (this is both the air and probe, by the way) will have an AC current flowing.
Yes, there will be some stray capacitance between the body of the helicopter and the Earth (and other sources), but this is not what is driving the charge transfer, and more importantly, this is not resulting in a (significant) return path back to the power substation. It is this last statement that is the premise behind my entire point.
Electrons do not have sir-names or home addresses. :smile: They don't care if they ever return home or not. All they care about is that they move from a negative voltage to a positive voltage. They don't care whether the positive voltage comes from one source and the negative voltage is from a different source. They are simply lazy, and want to move to the lowest potential, regardless where that is.
With a fresh mind this morning, I went through and cleaned up the polarity mistakes regarding which direction current flows as opposed to which direction electrons travel. For those of you following this discussion that didn't know there was a difference, here is the reason:
Electrons, being a negative charge, want to move from a negative voltage to a positive voltage. However, in the early days of electricity, electrical current was defined as the movement of "positive charge" (I could be wrong, but I think Ben Franklin made this assumption). As a result, when we talk about electrical current, it flows from positive to negative. This became standard convention before we realized that it was negative charge that was moving, not positive charge. So when we talk about electrical current, it is flowing backward from the actual direction of the electron travel. Normally this isn't much of an issue, until you start mixing terminology, which is when I screw it up all the time.
I think I fixed all of the original polarity mistakes, but I left the preface in at the top just in case I missed one.:-?