Cussing on the job site!

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cowboyjwc said:
Some people believe that there is a time and a place for everything and some people believe that there is never a time and a place for certin things and I believe that we all think that what was done was probably uncalled for.

That said. I've worked construction for 30 years and as some of the other guys have said some of those words just don't mean a thing and just come out. I have also run for political office and I coach youth baseball as well as umpire (and if you've ever been hit in the shoulder with a 70 mph fastball that would be as good of a time as any to let loose) and I can go along for weeks and never let one go . I have had dinner at the Mayors house and I have chatted with the ditch diggers on a job.

I can turn it on and off, but some people do not have that ability. It is something that can be learned as I had to and having to learn it has actually curtailed my use. Sitting down with your employees before hand or just at your nomal meetings, if you have them, and reminding them can go a long way in preventing this sort of thing.
After 4 years in the military and several years in the field as well as countless hours at the local watering hole left me with a very extensive vocabulary and I never gave it much thought until we had grandma and grandpa over for dinner and our three year old drops the f bomb perfectly pronounced,everyones eyes were on me and at that point I started to change.
I agree

I agree

Cussing on the Job site? Well, in my daily business a "job site" may very well be in a lil' old ladies kitchen. I can't tell you the number of times Ive been embarrassed by a helper or just some fool that can't even control their own flatulence in public, much less thier language at a customers home! A time and place for everything....learn to maintain....or just stay at the shop all by yourself and sweep the floor.
Cussing on the Job site? Well, in my daily business a "job site" may very well be in a lil' old ladies kitchen. I can't tell you the number of times Ive been embarrassed by a helper or just some fool that can't even control their own flatulence in public, much less thier language at a customers home! A time and place for everything....learn to maintain....or just stay at the shop all by yourself and sweep the floor.
if my helper swore infront of an old lady he would be fired so fast his head would spin
Just an observation I don't think has been brought up yet:

We have been reminded recently of the owner of this site's view of the subject at hand, and for the most part, we all have respected that.

Yes, we have referred to certain words here, but in a civil discourse concerning the matter. And why? Out of respect for Mike.

Now, our not swearing in our posts doesn't increase our paychecks, we won't get kicked of the job site for spewing forth such language, nor will we be fired. And all because we respect one person.... Mike. I have never met the man, never spoken to him on the phone, and have had absoluety no personal contact with him. Yet I refrain from using 4-letter words for one reason: respect. Both for Mike and all the others here.

Now, why is this web site and forum any different than any job site? Do the people you work with every day.... the people on whom you trust with your lives, and your livelihood... do they deserve to be treated with any less respect?
why is this web site and forum any different than any job site?

Here we can choose our words and have plenty of time to respond in a discussion.

In the field when you pinch your finger in your sidecutters and raise a nasty blood blister, or when you find out that your stubs out of the slab are 3" off, or when your apprentice left a screw gun on top of an 8' ladder for the 3rd time, it is an immeadiate reaction to the situation with no time to edit.
220/221 said:
Here we can choose our words and have plenty of time to respond in a discussion.

In the field when you pinch your finger in your sidecutters and raise a nasty blood blister, or when you find out that your stubs out of the slab are 3" off, or when your apprentice left a screw gun on top of an 8' ladder for the 3rd time, it is an immeadiate reaction to the situation with no time to edit.
Lets not get off track of the situation, ok so the bad things happen as u discribed and u drop an f-bomb that happens, what this is about is cussing as some have posted as part of the daily language where every other word or 2 is f-this or mf that etc, that is what happened as i was told in the case of the 2 electricians who were talking using vulgar words loud and as some have posted proud. But keep in mind, the situation u describe u might watch how u express yourself in a bad moment as one post said u never know that multi-million $ contract that walks up behind u and is standing within ear shot of u could go the way of the vulgar word into thin air.:cool:
Dennis Alwon said:
You make me feel like cussing-- cus the night away.
u make feel like cussing--cus the night away- i feel like cussing, cussing-- cus the nite away! Talk about getting off track i believe we have derailed:grin:
jnsane84 said:
"*@#! @#! #%**#@ ?*^%@!"- tazmanian devil cussin


Ya mean like this?​
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EXXXXXACTLY! I believe Mr. Yosemite Sam was guilty of similar behaviour as well while shooting his guns into the ground. of course his had a few added frickin frackin's and what not.:grin:
jnsane84 said:
EXXXXXACTLY! I believe Mr. Yosemite Sam was guilty of similar behaviour as well while shooting his guns into the ground. of course his had a few added frickin frackin's and what not.:grin:

Let's not digress into a discussion (pun intended) about carrying firearms on the job site as well! ;)
Cussing on the job site

Cussing on the job site

Put it in the company policy that that kind of behavior is not acceptable. This way you got an hook you can use to eradicate unwanted behavior of those incumbent members of your company.
Krim said:
You know it used to be thought of as construction site language,the cat whistle,etcetera ... problem is that the profanity has worked it's way off the construction site and into the schools and even as far as government officials, don't believe it watch some of the 'caught on tape' clips of various politicians, it's everywhere today. For the most part vulgarity is a part of todays modern language and it's only those of us of whom when growing up as a kid got the soap in the mouth treatment, or the hot sauce, that have any appreciation for the use of proper language. Even respecting women and the elders of our society is becomming but a mere memory of our yesteryears, sure it would be nice, and to some of us it is still expected out of professionalism, for persons to at least act like they have some self dignity but unfortuneately most today don't.


I teach in a high school and swearing is a constant tone. Most of the students do it without knowing they are doing it. Ask them if they do it in front of their parents and you will most likely get "yes" for a reply. It's sad.....
Cussing on the Job

Cussing on the Job

I agree with Bob, Talk to your employee about the ramafications that cussing around people that it offends, if it continues it has to be down the road. We have several good church going christians that work for us and as a curtacy I am carfull not to offend them as well. Its called being an adult, there are place and time for when thing can be said and when they can't be said. Somethimes down the road is your best teacher.
lets face it, cussing is immature and crass. of course, like anything else, it has its place (blowin off steam, guys only cuss fest, etc), but that place is not anyplace, including your jobsite. I'll be the first to admit I've done it, then sheepishly realized that someone who shouldn't have heard it was within earshot, and that just makes me try to improve myself.

Like any other bad habit, if an employeee can't fit into the program, they gotta go.

but there should be some outlet for them. I think if cussing is banned, then maybe smoking should be allowed. Or maybe there should be a cussing booth (kinda like a don's john only soundproof (for when you get part of your hand caught in the klines)

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