Cutting Plaster on Wood Lath

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The vacuum attachment for the rotozip works well. Add some blue painters tape to the base plate to reduce any marring of the walls, just like you would on a jigsaw. Ever get worried when the molten hot rotozip bit falls into the wall, I sure have:confused:
One more thing to be wary of: If you're not careful, it's possible to push half of a slat in where you're working, and pop out a hunk of plaster on the other side of the stud due to the slat see-sawing.

Don't ask me how I know. :roll:

I won't ask, because I found out the same way.:grin:
I've always used metal old work boxes and madison bars. The metal boxes are much smaller and leave more room for crumbling plaster. I use a screwdriver to chip away the plaster and then a hacksaw blade (32 tpi) to cut the lath. Works very well. Have been doing this for over 30 years...:)
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