Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

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Senior Member
A friend of mine who is a GC asked me if a refer had to be on a dedicated circuit. I said, "technically no, but we always do and it's a good idea."

In his situation (a remodel) it was going to me a major deal to pull a new circuit and he didn't want to deal with it so I told him it would be fine.

Today, he called and told me that the inspector said the refer has to be on a dedicated circuit.

I called the inspector myself as I was curious. I asked him for the code reference and he said "I don't have my book in front of me so I can't give you a reference." He then went on to explain that any appliance that draws 2 amps or more needs its own circuit.

:confused: :confused:

OK, I admit it. I have no idea what he's talking about. 2 amps is a whopping 240 watts.

Which one of us is more confused?


[ June 23, 2005, 10:58 PM: Message edited by: sfav8r ]


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

I'm with you, we generally overkill a kitchen, 1 circuit for each, disposal, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, and that's not counting two additional circuits for the counter and island receptacles. It wouldn't hurt anything to challenge the inspector. :)


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

210.52 (B) Small Appliances.
(1) Receptacle Outlets Served. In the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room, or similar area of a dwelling unit, the two or more 20-ampere small-appliance branch circuits required by 210.11(C)(1) shall serve all wall and floor receptacle outlets covered by 210.52(A), all countertop outlets covered by 210.52(C), and receptacle outlets for refrigeration equipment.

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

As JW referenced, the refridgerator is required to be on a Small-Appliance Branch Circuit.

It's permitted as an exception to be on an individual branch circuit.

The inspector is dead wrong. Given his wishy-washy response, I'd bet 50? that there is no local amendment requiring a dedicated circuit, either. :)


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

The exception that George mentioned also says that the individual refrigerator circuit can be 15A or greater.

I also overkill kitchens, but the inspector is wrong in this case if he's referring to NEC rules. Or is there something new in this regard for 2005?


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

There are 2 posibilities here that would make the inspector right.
1.that they have a local rule
2.the frig might call for a dedicated circuit.
If you can get past them then your legally ok.I tried that trick once on 40 town houses.The inspector warned me if on the final there is a frig in place that calls for a dedicated circuit that he would inforce it.Rather than risk it we complied with his wish.You are risking some liability should they trip a breaker and loose food.Given the remodel situation i would risk it.New construction run dedicated.


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

If dedicated than it will have to be a receptacle rated at that circuits ampacity 210.19 B 1.In tract homes we will usually hit the dining/nook and then the fridge,2 sa circuits and d/w & disp seperate and cord connected,oh yeah micro too
Now Large customs are wired in a different manner fridge dedicated (usually a sub zero)disp def.probably large enouge to grind a turkey in.D/w`r well that`s just done.S.A. circuits that depends on how long the counter space will be I`ve seen 80 ft of granite counter top in a kitchen that1s running not sq. footage,so 2 wont cut it.Also ask for appliance specs when bid.Not uncommon to find a 12.5 kw cook top or oven anymore and #8 won`t cut the mustard on that one
Another bitter are forced air ahu`s that are listed as 5 kw come trim and name plate says 32 amp min(trane has alot of these)and you pulled #10 :D


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

In Kitchens, the refrigerator is required to be supplied either of 2 ways.

1. From the Small Appliance Branch circuit.


2. From an Individual Branch Circuit rated 15 amperes or greater.
210.52(B)(1) exception No, 2
[Art 100, Branch Circuit, Individual. A branch circuit that supplies only one utilization equipment. ]

The inspector is correct that the refrigeration equipment (regardless of its rating) is required to be supplied by an individual circuit. His reason was incorrect, but his answer of a "dedicated" circuit is correct.

The real kicker here is the type of receptacle used if one decides to install an "Individual Branch Circuit".

"(B) Receptacles.
(1) Single Receptacle on an Individual Branch Circuit. A single receptacle installed on an individual branch circuit shall have an ampere rating not less than that of the branch

Exception No. 1: A receptacle installed in accordance with 430.81(C).

Exception No. 2: A receptacle installed exclusively for the use of a cord-and-plug-connected arc welder shall be permitted
to have an ampere rating not less than the minimum
branch-circuit conductor ampacity determined by
630.11(A) for arc welders.

FPN: See definition of receptacle in Article 100.

If one decides to supply the refrigerator from an individual branch circuit, than a single receptacle rated for the branch circuit size (15 or 20) will be required.

[ June 24, 2005, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: pierre ]


Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

It's been close to 30 years since I've done residential work. It warms my heart to see so many posts about running a dedicated circuit to the fridge. Very nice to see contractors worried about the quality of the work.

You guys are great!

luke warmwater

Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

Originally posted by pierre:

The inspector is correct that the refrigeration equipment (regardless of its rating) is required to be supplied by an individual circuit. His reason was incorrect, but his answer of a "dedicated" circuit is correct.
I don't see how it is 'required' to be supplied by an individual circut.
There are (2) options, as you stated in your above post.
So by saying the inspector is correct, is not the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.
It is a 1/2 Truth plain and simple.

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

Originally posted by pierre:
The inspector is correct that the refrigeration equipment (regardless of its rating) is required to be supplied by an individual circuit. His reason was incorrect, but his answer of a "dedicated" circuit is correct.
Huh? I must need more coffee. How do arrive at that, Pierre? :confused:


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

Here we can do either,run a dedicated circuit we use #12 for that simply as not to confuse the rough crews that although allowed when they see #12 it is part of the kitchen circuits (ok yes some of our rough crews are not to smart ;)

lady sparks lover

Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

Overkill, if you ask me. Only appliances like Microwaves, coffee makers, and ovens I put on their own circuit. That's more a design issue, if you ask me.

Lady :)


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

what about a sub zero ???It`s still considered a fridge but would you put that on a SA circuit that has lets say a toaster oven on same circuit,Yes that is a design issue but in everyday life this problem exists.E.E.does a blueprint doesn`t say dedicated for this sub zero monster just shows a receptacle outlet.Nor are the dimensions of recep.placement given...Sub zeros have a small wimdow of attachment and unless the guy in the field has dealt with this type of appliance the location will be wrong !!!With all the sofisticated software out there,why are CAD systems laying out hvac and lighting systems that occupy the same space,Why is a 4 gang switch box loated where the lumber is a structual load bearing wall full on 2x`s.It takes field experience and IMO all phases of construction including design should be required to have so much time in trade they are going to design.Then our jobs would be allot easier and more cost effective :D


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

In my earlier post I did post incorrectly, what I meant to say is this:

If the refridgerator is not supplied from the small appliance branch circuit, then the refridgerator will be required to be on a 15 amp or greater Individual Branch Circuit, with a single receptacle rated at 15 or 20 amperes, depending on the rating of the circuit. A duplex receptacle is not 1 receptacle, it is 2 receptacles. Since it is 2 receptacles, if you were to install a duplex receptacle, it would not be an individual branch circuit.

If you look back a to my earlier post, you will see the code references.


Senior Member
Boston, MA
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

Originally posted by sfav8r:

"I don't have my book in front of me so I can't give you a reference." Thanks
That's inspector speak for "I don't have any idea what I am talking about but my uncles sister got me this sweet municipal job so I can make people do whatever I want." :roll:


Senior Member
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

Overkill, if you ask me. Only appliances like Microwaves, coffee makers, and ovens I put on their own circuit. That's more a design issue, if you ask me."

Tell that to the home owner who just lost a frig full of food.Think what might happen if at 5 am they start the mr coffee and the toaster and the frig happens to go into the defrost cycle at same time.If they were in a hurry they might not notice they triped the breaker.12 hours later when they get home they find it.

Do we really need to be so cheap ? ;)


Senior Member
Electrical Contractor
Re: Dedicated Circuit for referigerator

I don't think how it is supplied is nearly as important as how it is spelled.

Not-- referigerator thats something to do with the incredible Hulk.

Not refridgerator.
We in Georgia who know, spell it refrigerator.
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