Demolition of a Control System

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Senior Member
Hi All,

When performing demo of a control system in an industrial settings, is it a common practice to test the system and check all the interface points before performing wiring demolition? This way the contractor is confidant that they are removing only wires/equipment that is associated with this system.

The phone company hired some "people with wire cutters" to remove the out-of-service copper from several manholes in ?NJ? near NYC. They also removed the brand new not-yet-out-of-service fiber. Nests of phone company trucks resulted!

Common practice or not, checking to make sure what you're removing is what you're supposed to be removing is A Good Thing!
It is a good idea to make sure you are only demoing the stuff you are being paid to demo.

How you go about that is something that should be agreed to up front between the responsible parties.
As you identify the things to be removed, put bright purple* tags on the things you'll be removing, text to say "This item will be removed on xx/xx/xx iIf you still use this item, contact Mr. Smith (phone xxxx)." Gives people a chance to get used to the idea that the thing they use every day is going away!

* color of your choice
I once had a job in a former phone company business office building that was being repurposed. The new occupant wanted me to remove a larger than 6" bundle of CAT something cables that ran through the ceilings of his space.

I handed him a sawzall and said knock yourself out. I'm not going to be responsible if there is anything in there like alarm or whatever that may still be in use.

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