Did you send any?

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We could have a really long new thread, and "make some" and "kill some" right here in the #1 forum for electrical here in America!

Ryan's got the most, maybe he could lead?
I sent in three. One was for a new article that I know will be accepted.
I had a late start and didn't have time for any more.
I had 147 for the 2005 cycle and I got word back that one of the panel chairmen was upset about the number of proposals I had sent in. Almost all of those proposals were part of my attempt to change the term "equipment grounding conductor" to equipment bonding conductor". A majority of CMP 5 did accept that idea, but not the 2/3s majority that is required to report a proposal as accepted.
i sent in 10, had a few more but ran out of time, the proposals are a good way for change and clarification
Charlie: I think you left off one asterisk in the last name, if we are thinking of the same person. :)
The intent was to just put some asterisks in as place holders so you would know it was someone's name. I did not bother to count so you would not be able to determine who I was referring to in my comment. :)
I know an acquaintance that is trying to turn back the clocks on Ryan's 2008 change to NM in the crawl space. Not sure what the wording is but will shall see. :smile:
I did not.
But I wanted to send one in about GFCI protection for equipment in a resi. attic.

The one where the attic outlet is not required to be a gfci.
But if you plug in to it while working on the furnace. You are required to use GFCI protection.
Good post Kent. If your proposal is not accepted in the ROP (report on proposals), send in a rebuttal in the comment period. Do a better job of explaining why it should have been accepted, send in additional documentation, etc. :smile:
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