Does your state require you have your license # on advertising?

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Illinois doesn't have a state licensing either. It's up to individual towns/cities to regulate. I got my electrical contractor's license through our city.
Indiana doesn't have a state electrical License, so its a No for Indiana, but they do for plumbers, and yes # is required for them, we have a lot of unmarked electrical van's with Illinois License plates roaming around jobs here now:mad:

We have tried to get the state to pass a state wide electrical License for a long time now, go figure they did for plumbers and not electricians:cool:
Place of Buisness in 5 Boros kept open during Buisness hours that you can get mail & or phone calls.
At all times be prominently displayed a permanent sign at least 150 sq in stating name of licence holder,the licence number and the words "licensed electrician" or "licensed electrical contractor" and the name of the master electrical buisness if different than the name of the license holder visible to pedestrians.
All buisness vechials, advertising, websites and stationery shall say
"NYC Licensed Electrician" & the license number.
Also you can have more than one master electrician but then everybodys info must be visable.
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