Why would they be "synced"? They don't parallel their output with the utility. They close a switch to provide battery power to the loads from the inverter after the sense the loss of utility power. The do not have a "closed" transition back to the utility power after it has been restored.
215.2(A)(1)Does this not back feed one panel from the other and this is not allowed or safe?
210.23During a utility outage the UPS would back feed into the non UPS panels via the receptacle as well. Which 20 amp breaker trips first?
705.4, 12(D), 40, 42 . . .They are basically suggesting having one panelboard fed directly from the utility, and one fed from the UPS, then run wire from both and connect them to the same outlet
First the use of non-dual conversion type UPS is a design issue. There are many applications where they work just fine. I have installed a number of systems of that type that have all of the features that you mentioned above.Any time a consultant is hired to design a UPS system rather than cobble something together there should be some things that are not negotiable: the UPS should be a double conversion true online type, and it should have a maintenance bypass switch so the UPS can be serviced without de-energizing the load. This necessitates a make-before-break type transfer switch, so the UPS output will be connected to the utility for brief periods of time. Keep in mind that this maintenance bypass switch is typically supplied by the UPS manufacturer, included in the UPS O&M manual, and the UPS/bypass switch system is warranted as a unit.
I am amazed that anybody willing to spend money on a UPS and willing to pay somebody to design it would consider buying a static transfer type UPS - even the name is an oximoron!
Second my question about the UPS being synced to the utility was addressed a statement made by another member that said "all UPS's are synced to the utility. I don't believe that is a correct statement and I am not sure it is even possible given the output type of some of the small plug and play systems that are often used.
Sure, the output of non-dual conversion UPS's are synced when on utility power, but the inverter output is never synced with the utility.
Output frequency can hard set at 50 or 60 Hz by installing an optional software upgrade. This upgrade enables the user to select a fixed output frequency and simultaneously disables the bypass mode.
That works for me.
After talking with client more, it looks like this is the way they're going to go. The two feeds only touch each other at a rack ATS designed for two feeds. I'm not sure if it was a miscommunication by a non-electrically inclined person or if they were really going to feed both to one receptacle but changed their mind now, but I can breathe easier now.I keep reading this and I know I have seen a rack mount 20 amp 120 volt automatic transfer switch made for computer servers. I have been looking for it but can not find it. APC made it and might want to give them a call if you?re still looking at doing something like this.
Concurrent maintainability!!! - You can switch off the UPS output to work on the distribution panel without dropping service and without needing to work live. These are big benefits.