Duct Detectors

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MJW said:
Something tells me there is probably not a responsibility matrix on this job. If the specs dont mention them I sure wouldn't concede that they were my responsibility.

If the job is more than $100K, there should be something somewhere that should tell you. Otherwise, some pencil-pusher didn't do their job last year.
MJW said:
Something tells me there is probably not a responsibility matrix on this job. If the specs dont mention them I sure wouldn't concede that they were my responsibility.

Um... no. :mad:

The actual install seems simple enough, acording to the instructions. The wireing for the detectors and remote unit below is straight forward. It is WHERE to put them that I don't know.

I don't want to drill a bunch of holes in duct, wire them, then have to move them.

Of course, I have been given another project for a week or so.... :roll:
By the logic that you connect them so you install them you'd have to install the HVAC gear to. If you don't supply them I wouldn't install them. I'd tell this general that whoever is supplying them can install them. That your responsibility ends with wiring them.
wireman71 said:
If you don't supply them I wouldn't install them.

It really depends on the contracts.

Here often the HVAC guys have to supply the disconect switches for their units but of course we install them.
MichaelGP3 said:
I disagree with this statement. There are rules for how far you need to be from a bend in the ductwork, rules for when a sampling tube needs to be supported inside the ductwork, how close they need to be from a rated wall, and we haven't talked about installing a duct smoke detector on a round section of duct or passing a magnahelic test. Accessibility is an issue since filters and the detectors themselves will need to be maintained.

Should contract documents specify that the EC installs the duct detectors, look for language in said documents to see who is responsible for WHERE the duct detector gets installed. This way, the EC isn't holding the bag if the duct detector won't pass a magnihelic test.
All of these instructions come in a little booklet from the manufacturer in the box with the detector. Sometimes if you follow all of the instructions it will be impossible to install the detector so sometimes you have to use common sense and make a best effort to install in the best location as per instructions from the manufacturer. As far as passing a balancing test that is not your responsibility and I have never seen a building not go up yet because of it. As long as you drill your holes in the right places the detector will seal them properly and if you have a leak they have this stuff called duct tape. Yes that is why it is called duct tape it is designed for taping ducts.
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