Effective ground fault path

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Why bonding and grounding books dont explain that egc’s purpose as part of the effective ground fault path is to provide a path to the source while protecting equipment while bonding’s porpuse is provide a return path to the source in the event of a ground fault to protect individuals?
Because NFPA-70 got it wrong in several regards 60 years ago. It was believed that the earth itself removed voltage and tripped breakers. We now know the truth. What remains is a refusal to change a now defunct theory.
Okay, I'll try again if you can rephrase the question. Meanwhile:
Why bonding and grounding books dont explain that egc’s purpose as part of the effective ground fault path is to provide a path to the source while protecting equipment while bonding’s porpuse is provide a return path to the source in the event of a ground fault to protect individuals?
There's no real difference in what you said, as far as I can get from reading it.

How is tying back to the source different for equipment than for people? How does it protect equipment?

Bonding goes further toward protecting people, but has little to do with a return pathway to the source.
Okay, I'll try again if you can rephrase the question. Meanwhile:

There's no real difference in what you said, as far as I can get from reading it.

How is tying back to the source different for equipment than for people? How does it protect equipment?

Bonding goes further toward protecting people, but has little to do with a return pathway to the source.
Bonding has everything to do with returning to the source
Please explain the actual difference. There is no functional difference in how and what equipment grounding conductor and equipment bonding conductors do.
Egc provide a path to source in the event oa ground fault thru the use of a egc. Thats not the only path provided to the source and the egc function is to protect equipment for the most part. Bonding is the metallical connection of loose metal thru a mechanical means. This probably provives the best route to source and its function is to protect humans. Both are part of an effective ground falt current path to source
Bonding has everything to do with returning to the source
Not correct. Bonding has to do with creating an equipotential environment; no voltage differences among parts, pieces, and eventually, peoples' bodies.

The voltage to earth, or to the source has nothing to do with it. Think about swimming-pool equipotential bonding.
Not correct. Bonding has to do with creating an equipotential environment; no voltage differences among parts, pieces, and eventually, peoples' bodies.

The voltage to earth, or to the source has nothing to do with it. Think about swimming-pool equipotential bonding.
I disagree
Bonding is the connection of loose metal part to create an effective ground fault path along with a egc a SBJ (SDS) and a neutral wire back to the source. During the process of bonding these materials an equal potential is established
Bonding is the connection of loose metal part to create an effective ground fault path along with a egc a SBJ (SDS) and a neutral wire back to the source. During the process of bonding these materials an equal potential is established

Your view of bonding is too narrow. It’s possible to create a safe environment by bonding everything conductive together. No need to connect to the almighty ground. As long as everything is kept at the same potential, no one gets shocked. Think bird on a wire.
Your view of bonding is too narrow. It’s possible to create a safe environment by bonding everything conductive together. No need to connect to the almighty ground. As long as everything is kept at the same potential, no one gets shocked. Think bird on a wire.
Yes the bird on the wir is true but bonding isnt only to keep everything at the same potential. It also serve a path back to the source which then goes to ground so no my def is not to narrow. The bird on the wire example is only one part of its purpose
It also serve a path back to the source which then goes to ground so no my def is not to narrow.
That's bonding the EGC to one of the source's conductors so OCPD open before someone is shocked. Grounding the system both creates some hazards and reduces others.

Remember, it's the EGC system that begins in the service equipment, not the (now-insulated) grounded-conductor system. That's why it's okay to use a bare neutral for bonding.

GFCI equipment depends on a grounded system to function because, while earth is not conductive to energize loads, it is conductive enough to energize people.
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