Electrical Contracting without a Liscense?

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Skroell said:
How is a temp agency any different than a union?.The union isn't licensed.
Any way Tadavidson license is spelled license not liscense.

A temp agency acts as the defacto employer. A union does not. A temp's paycheck will read "abc temp agancy" not "ABC electric." A union worker's paycheck will read "Joe's electric" not "Local 5000."
Just to clarify a couple of things.
1. post #20 by me was an attempt at humor.
2. All my points were based on GEORGIA rules (laws), which require the worker to be licensed or the EMPLOYEE of a licensed Electrical Contractor to do any type of Electrical related work.
3. regarding post # 35 I like the requirements in VA
4. regarding post #38 by tyha, I was being sarcastic.
5. In post # 15 I spelled licensed orrectly.
6. regarding post # 28 by SKROELL I don't care about the spelin ( please ignore the capitalization errors at the beginning of these statements)
7. In my first post i gave a complete disclaimer.
8. I did stop beating it I just came back by to kick it to see if I was playing possum. (A georgia saying regarding something pretending to be dead to avoid predators) by the was the correct spelling is Opossum.
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