I just love tracing out a circuit, opening a panel, and seeing tie wraps bundling wires on both sides of the panel and top spaced every two inches.
Most rules of thumb with panel builders call for zip ties every 4-6”.
The old technique is bundling with cord. This typically had a loop and knot every 2” tied tightly. Virtually impossible to hand trace through it. Zip ties and Panduit replaced cord. I still do this with only a few wires or around components. If you put a zip tie right at the bend you can even make MTW look like XHHW (perfect 90 degree bends) if it’s tight. A good panel builder cuts all the wires long and loosely applies zip ties for routing. Then once a section is done cinch them all tight. By components it might have a zip tie every couple inches. Add some at corners and branches to hold the shape. Add one every 4-6” with sticky backs as needed to keep it straight. Everything should be parallel or perpendicular to components. Cut exactly to length at the other end. If done correctly it looks perfect but hand tracing is a total nightmare, just as with cord. Properly tightened zip ties (with a tool) will be so tight that the wire won’t move so again, gotta cut to trace.
You can tie wire inside Panduit but the whole point of Panduit is no tying so it should be loose in there. MUCH easier to trace it out. But I still hate the stuff.