Exit Signs or Smoke Detectors?

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Taking over an electrical job that was wired, but not completed by another electrical company. This is a commercial office space consisting of three offices. They used NM in exposed drop ceiling to wire lighting. (Not code compliant) I know I have to re-wire the lighting. The previous company also left wired round boxes inside and above each office door. Since most of my business is mostly residential; I'm not sure what the round boxes are for. Are they for smoke detectors or exit signs? Also, what is "your" prefered method of wiring: MC or AC cable?
Taking over an electrical job that was wired, but not completed by another electrical company. This is a commercial office space consisting of three offices. They used NM in exposed drop ceiling to wire lighting. (Not code compliant) I know I have to re-wire the lighting. The previous company also left wired round boxes inside and above each office door. Since most of my business is mostly residential; I'm not sure what the round boxes are for. Are they for smoke detectors or exit signs? Also, what is "your" prefered method of wiring: MC or AC cable?

More than likely exit signage and MC or MCap are the preferred wiring methods. Also, better check with the "good ol AHJ"
Taking over an electrical job that was wired, but not completed by another electrical company. This is a commercial office space consisting of three offices. They used NM in exposed drop ceiling to wire lighting. (Not code compliant) I know I have to re-wire the lighting. The previous company also left wired round boxes inside and above each office door. Since most of my business is mostly residential; I'm not sure what the round boxes are for. Are they for smoke detectors or exit signs? Also, what is "your" prefered method of wiring: MC or AC cable?

You had best have a sealed copy of prints, without that your inspector could refuse to inspect. Your entering a differant field of commercial and hope you bid this knowing what your getting into. They might be exits or EM lights or both. They are not cheap. Very few contractors would even touch another mans work.
The previous company also left wired round boxes inside and above each office door. Since most of my business is mostly residential; I'm not sure what the round boxes are for. Are they for smoke detectors or exit signs?

if these are three offices inside one tennant space, I would guess they are more likely for emergency lights, most people that have an office know where thier door is, an exit sign inside an office would look pretty goofy.....
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They are not very bright if they cant find the door they came in every day. EM yes but not even needed in most cases.

Keep in mind these are the same people who will totally and absolutely ignore the fire alarm when it goes off. And not only ignore it, but complain about the noise.
I have never been in an office building that did not have exit lights.

I believe the original post is only about three specific locations above the doors in three office rooms, in my area exit signs are not placed in "every" room, typically they are installed in the hallways and above the exits.
I have never been in an office building that did not have exit lights.
EXITS yes but as been said usually for halls or if path out is thru another room.EM lights are not exits. They oftem will be in a room exspected to have more than a few people so that if power goes out they are not in total dark. Then we have NL's that often have a bodine or similar to qualify as EM. All serve a purpose. Also after cubicals installed a fire chief might want added exits as some are so tall they block view of others.
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Exit Signs or Smoke Detectors?

This is a one story building with four entrances and exits. Each entrance has it's own address. One building (address) is completed and being used as a daycare. The building (address) in question is going to be used as office space only. It contains the three offices and a common hallway. Emergency lighting and exit signs are already installed at each end of the hallway. I bid the job on just re-wiring the existing lighting to bring it up to code. Replacing the NM with MC in the dropped ceiling. The wired boxes above the inside of each office door in my only concern. I was leaning towards smoke detectors, because emergency lighting and exit signs are already installed at each end of the common hallway. Don't have any prints to go by. I guess I will have to ask the AHJ what should be installed above each office door. Thanks for your input and look forward to any more feedback.
OK you treat each address on its own. Now you must place exits so that there is a path leading out of this building. That will include an exit at front doors and other doors leading outside. If there is only one door in each office that opens to the hall you probably will not need it. Each office will need EM lights. Now depending on use local AHJ might demand more. Should be easy to get certified copy of print from building department. Do not know how they play where your at but here, the first words from inspector will be where are the stamped prints. Not understanding is has this building passed final inspection yet. Seems strange that the EC that started this job would not be finishing. Hope your contract has you covered for limit of what your doing. Also here you would need a permit under your name to be doing anything even if finishing the job another started. You can not work under his permit. Very unlikely they are smokes unless was added by customer because of use. Highly suggest you find that print first.
One other possibility, these may be boxes for ceiling mounted motion detectors. That might explain the NM cable in the ceiling as well, as they may be using that as the low voltage signal cable.
Rather than worrying about if the tenants are bright enough to find the door, I'd suggest consulting the local building code. Exit signs belong in the "path of egress", a door to a private office is not considered a "path of egress", a larger shared or open office is another situation. Most likely this box is for emergency lighting, but perhaps they are for security door controls? However they should be indicated on the plans.
If there are no prints available, the next logical step to figgure out what they are for would be to trace the circuit or circuits back to what is feeding them, if they are fed from the existing exit/emerg circuit, I would find out if emergency lights are required in those areas, if not, give the customer a choice of installing emergency lights if they want them, or offer to install blank covers...
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