electricmanscott said:
I could be wrong but I think that breaker interlock is not legal. It looks like you have to remove it in order to take the panel cover off. Someone could then power the generator without throwing the breaker.
They are legal in California, (but not even required), you cannot permanently connect generator. Requires using something like an L1430 cord from generator to L1430 inlet box with cover, wired to main. Check with BOB (iwire) about grounding. It is IMO more idiot proof, and more versitile. ( can use any circuits in main with a 4000 watt generator, even a cook top or small dryer. May want to open some breakers when using high watt appliances, but the generator has it's own OCPD and will be backfeeding the main through a 30A breaker)
Please spare me the safety lecture, the legislature wrote it this way, so people would not freeze to death while waiting for a "competent" electrician. (during a power outage?)
If you want to get technical (legal) about it; you can wire the cord to the backfeed breaker. Or plug into the dryer outlet. You ever thawed out a stiff? Got electrocuted?
SECTION 119075-119090
119075. (a) The Legislature intends to prevent electricity
generated by permanent or portable electric generators from
backfeeding into a utility electrical distribution system by the
enactment of this chapter.
(b) Any portable electrical generator that is capable of being
connected temporarily to a customer's electrical system, that is
normally supplied by an electrical corporation or state or local
public agency, shall be connected only after opening the customer's
main switch so as to isolate the customer's electrical system from
that of the electrical corporation or state or local agency.
(c) Any electrical generator, other than a generator designed to
run in parallel with the system of the serving utility and approved
by that utility, that is capable of being permanently connected to a
customer's electrical system shall be connected only by means of a
double throw switch so as to isolate the customer's electrical system
from that of the electrical corporation or state or local agency.
119080. (a) Every manufacturer of a portable or permanent
electrical generator that is capable of being connected either
permanently or temporarily to a commercial, industrial, or
residential structure's electrical system, shall include a warning
statement in the generator's instruction manual and a legible warning
label on the generator that states the requirement of Section 119075
and explains the electrical hazards of backfeed into a utility's
distribution system. The same warning information shall be included
in all advertisements offering portable electric generators.
(b) No person or public agency shall sell, rent to another person
or public agency, or offer for sale or rent to another person or
public agency a portable electrical generator unless the legible
warning label is on a visible surface of the generator.
119085. (a) Every public utility or utility district shall notify
all electrical service customers of the electrical backfeed hazards
of portable and permanent electric generators.
(b) Any owner, renter, or lessee who possesses and operates an
electric generator, when the generator is connected to a commercial,
industrial, or residential structure's electrical system that is
connected to the service of a public utility or utility district,
shall notify the utility of the location of the generator.
119090. (a) Any person who violates Sections 119075 to 119085,
inclusive, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not
more than five hundred dollars ($500) or not more than six months'
(b) For purposes of this section, "person" shall not include
public agencies, officers or employees of public agencies, or public