Final Inspection - 110.26(A)

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Lets not worry about the vent, we have enough venting going on in this site to take care of the NorthEast. :grin:

I have to say, that this is a job from last summer. I posted this to see if any would say since there are no appliances, there is no violation. I understand different jurisdictions handle this differently. I was curious how YOU guys would handle it.

The owner was given the option to have the panel moved or the appliance setup. The plumbing was easier, as the panel is the only panel for the house.

Good exercise Pierre ... thanks (and I'm not being sarcastic!)
Is it possible to have a violation for something that might happen in the future?

Rob this a different situation. Have you followed the thread? They have no choice but to install the Laundry equipment in there. I would not even assume or what if. Rob I respect your knowledge and don't want to debate but this is cut and dry. Not an assumption.
Rob this a different situation. Have you followed the thread? They have no choice but to install the Laundry equipment in there. I would not even assume or what if. Rob I respect your knowledge and don't want to debate but this is cut and dry. Not an assumption.

Maybe they own a Laundromat or send their stuff out to the wash-n-fold. :smile:

My point was if the violation is not there during the final inspection is it a really violation? Can he violate something that is likely to happen but still may not?
just for the sake of argument, they dont even have to own a washer and dryer, my brother doesnt, he goes to the laundry mat:grin:

edit- Rob beat me to the punch....

Why are we debating on this issue cut and dry? Do I have a sign on me that says kick Me?:grin::grin: I still agree with myself that this situation is a problem.....nap time I am tired again:grin:
Rob.....Point taken. Sorry did not mean to come off as an *** but this one per Pierre was cut and dry.

I wasn't offended and I wasn't expressing an opinion either way. 99% of the time someone puts a washer and dryer there. If it weren't for different ways of looking at the same thing we wouldn't need this thread. :D
Why are we debating on this issue cut and dry? Do I have a sign on me that says kick Me?:grin::grin: I still agree with myself that this situation is a problem.....nap time I am tired again:grin:

I agree with you 100%.

There IS a washer and dryer going there. If there is NOT cap the plumbing and have the final signed off.

And then.....
Sorry to hear that they don't do plan review I find it invaluable. It is bad enough to fail someone and make them redo their work, in plan review we have an opportunity to spot the problem before all that work. The sooner an inspector catches a problem the better.

Can I get a witness, brothers and sisters.:grin::grin:
OK they will place washer 36 inches to right of wall. Hoses reach , end of problem. We all know what will happen but is no violation yet so you can not tag on a" what if "
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