But he is not referring to a crimped lug, he said a MECHANICAL lug, and I think Don's point is that the mechanical lug listing makes no allowance for use with a crimp ferrule as a way around the restriction against using it with fine stranded wire. I agree, I don't see it either. UL, and local inspectors by the way, will want to see a
specific listing that allows for this.
AKUMAR, is there some reason why you cannot just use a crimped lug? That's the way everyone else does it and if you use the correct lug and crimper, it will be a UL recognized method of terminating fine stranded wire. If you need to attach multiple cables, use bolt or stud terminals.
Actually, strike that part about local inspectors, they would not actually be involved because the Code does not allow the use of fine stranded cable like that at all! You can use it inside of a UL listed panel assembly and only in the manner accepted by UL, which as far as I know is only crimped lugs.
Read this for why.