Flagpole Lighting

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Senior Member
Durham, NC
Facility Maintenance Tech. Licensed Electrician
I'm doing a flagpole light soon for a neighbor. I'm thinking of using smallest metal halide fixture, I think that's 75 watts. Pole is about 20 feet high. I think a small MH would light it up ok.

Anyone have a favorite light for flagpoles? Thanks for any feedback.
Do your neighbor a favor, you may want to compare prices between replacement lamps for 50, 75, and 100 watt Metal Halide lamps. some of those small ones are ridiculous...
Well lights are the only way to go.

Anything else that sticks up out of the ground will be a target for lawnmowers and neighborhood kids.
But well lights fill up with water and fail eventually. If you could get the light up on a concrete pedestal where it won't get ran over by lawn mowers it might last longer.
480Sparky said:
Anything else that sticks up out of the ground will be a target for lawn mowers and neighborhood kids.

I agree 100%

But well lights fill up with water and fail eventually.

I agree 100%, I have even seen them get run over by the landscapers with aerators.


If you could get the light up on a concrete pedestal where it won't get ran over by lawn mowers it might last longer.

Or on some other existing structure.

If you do go with a metal halide make sure your are buying a spot fixture and not a flood fixture or your will just be throwing light away.
Do your neighbor a favor, you may want to compare prices between replacement lamps for 50, 75, and 100 watt Metal Halide lamps. some of those small ones are ridiculous...

consider energy cost and expected lamp life before rushing a decision on this, yes they can be expensive but higher watt lamps cost more to operate
consider energy cost and expected lamp life before rushing a decision on this, yes they can be expensive but higher watt lamps cost more to operate

I guess springing for "one" expensive lamp every few years isnt all that big of a deal, but I always take replacement cost in consideration when installing a bunch of fixture on somthing like mini-warehouses.
Are you looking to illuminate the whole pole, or just the flag at the top? If it were me, I'd just mount some up-lights on the pole itself. Do them about seven or eight feet in the air and it takes care of any damage concerns.

The flagpole is surrounded by white rocks, enclosed by angled bricks, about 10' circle. I thought I'd come to the edge of the circle & sink a 4x4 post, 12" above ground. Mount a bell box @top of post, 90 out of ground with 3/4 rigid, then flex up to box and mount light on it. The rock is a nice shiny white, I hate to mess it up in any way with dirt on it, etc.

I've seen some MH lights with hoods or shields that help focus the light and keep glare down to passersby. I like MH because it's a good clean white light in my opinion and bulbs last a long time. This man is a retired vet, getting on in age. He doesn't get around so well anymore. I'll always change bulbs if I'm nearby but want to keep it simple.

I like quartz halogen, but they seem to burn out quickly & I've had to replace a lot of fixtures that make faulty contact with lamp ends.

Thanks for all the feedback. This is a good forum with lots of good, experienced people.
Who knows, it may be out there already. I long ago quit telling customers something didn't exist, when a customer found some item at Home Depot that I insisted wasn't out there. Don't even remember what it was, but I learned something.
Thanks, I'll check that out. I don't think KIM has dealers in my locale but I can probably order online.
Thanks, I'll check that out. I don't think KIM has dealers in my locale but I can probably order online.

You won't be able to. KIM only sells through local dealers. Call them, and they will tell you who you can order from. And they will be the only one you can order from as they have protected terretories.
Try Lowes. They have a W/P cord (only three feet) connected 75 watt quartz with a built in photo sensor --mounted on a spike---cost about $20.00 I get two years out of mine, then just replace it ! Flag is 20 foot high and does a nice job !
I like your post idea but how about pouring a post or having something premade with your conduit inside the post? See if you can figure out a way to get rid of the bell box under the light. That just screams ugly to me..
Actually, I did find a KIM dealer not too far away. The other guy is sending me the model # soon and I will look at what he used.

Yes, I thought of that too. I'm checking this coming week to see what the supply houses have here. I've seen those advertised but don't recall what's been on display lately around here.
Decision Made

Decision Made

Thanks to all for your feedback. I discussed with customer and he wants a 100 watt metal halide. I'm getting one of them and mounting on an Arlington post, with a photocell also in the post. Going about a foot into the rock to keep out of mower path. Shallow trench (8") to corner of house and 3/4 rigid conduit.

Local KIM dealer said 4-6 weeks to order, can't wait that long. Otherwise, I'd try that LED uplight. Dealer knew the one, had sold some of them.

I'll report back degree of success with this.
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