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OMG!! On line advice from a hack for a fee. I suspect this guy stuck a couple of speaker wires together once and now thinks hes an electrician. I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to tell people to work on stuff hot. Wow. I hope he gets the s...t sued out of him.
frizbeedog said:
Send me money. Then ask your question.

If the answer sucks, do you get your money back?

Or, what happens when the advice still doesn't make the thing work? Is that another 15 clams?
i remember seeing some outfit selling service upgrades on ebay a couple years ago. they had a ton of photos of their work and it looked pretty bad. lots of pvc in basements with blue glue all over the place.
I appreciate this guys helpful hint which has helped me stay safe around electrical wires.

A++++++ Great Answer! Will ask for help again!!!! NUMBAR ONE EBAYER!!!!
I would now like to offer my services. Have a medical question? Pay me and I will answer it. Here is a helpful tip: An apple a day will keep the doctor away.
If his electrical advice is as bad as his spelling then someone's house will burn down or worse.
If anyone has a question on how to perform open heart surgery or qaud-druple bypass please send me $13.45 using your paypal account and I will provide step by step instructions on how to perform the procedure. If for some reason you are not completely satisfied or things dont work out to well I will gladly refund your money minus a $5 dollar restocking fee.
ultramegabob said:
take a look at his screen name....

If you go to a guy with a name like "doobiedabben" for electrical advice then you deserve your "Darwin Award".

He will make all your problems go " Up in Smoke". :grin:
hahahaha....I scrolled through his feedback and he has been saying "I think this is my brothers last box..." and "Looks like my brother found a new box...." for the boxes of GFCI breakers since April.....not to mention that some of his auctions list Chicago as the location and some list Colorado. :confused:
There's an electrical inspector that lives 25 miles from me that I don't doubt for a minute would give inspections away over Ebay if he thought he could get away with it. He'll pass anything. Seriously, he's been doing inspections over the phone for 20 years...thousands of jobs...he's gotten away with this for years.....why....no oversight from the State, for one. No one's complained loudly enough, for another. The only ones upset about it are other inspectors with a conscience. Life goes on...ho hum.:mad:

I've written the building inspector, and turned the guy into the state.....nada. :confused:
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