let me rephrase that. "nothing" here is real.
the show reflects that. new porsche biach is completely surreal.
the women aren't real. dow corning, that is real. what is real is
a passel of middle aged fear driven women going under the knife
more than a tuna at a sushi bar, willing to do anything to be 23.
let's be clear here. any city that has TWO ferrari dealerships within
1 mile of them, and the worlds largest laborghini dealership 3 miles from
that, is unreal. i pulled into the carwash i use, and there were 2
brand new lamborghini's and an aston martin getting pre delivery
that is unreal. so are some of the people. i've done work for them.
psycho suziee' from balboa island... i should post .wav files of her
messages she left on my voicemail. eleventeen pounds of crazy in
a five pound bag.
real is people with quiet eyes, not spending money they don't have
on things they don't need to impress people they don't know.
the eyes are the best indicator. when you quote something for
someone with crazy eyes, and "gotta have it" bling in their dialogue,
double the price. and get 50% up front.
hope this clears up what i thought i meant.