For the California guys....

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Bottom line is that "Laborers" can not be employed by a C-10 constructing anything electrical related.

I have read your posts and have attempted to be somewhat open to a tunnel vision point of view that you have displayed...from the very start you had an agenda and it was to create a fueled Union vs Merit vs What you call the other 50% (I gathered that from our PM's and tone of this thread).I don't even really see any benefit to either of us or others on this forum for that matter in continuing. As far as the debate...if you want to call it that, You obviously have a different experience and point of view, with the changing times. I can't even believe I would go this far in a discussion to defend the fact that the law permits things right now that are contrary to what I belong to. You may have some idea and conviction that the law either does or does not permit laborers doing electrical work under certain circumstances....but I'll let you in on something you don't know, even Labor Unions have targeted Electrical work and used the screwed up and unintended language to make a pretty good case......BLAH BLAH BLAH ....we could go on for ever....

I want to get back to arguing about something productive like the NEC.

Just to add (and to get this thread back on track) CA Electricians can get there CEU's from anything with a heartbeat, actually it doesn't even need to have that......just make sure that you get a Certificate of Completion!!!

e57 I am very pleased to know that there are others out there that take this stuff seriously.....even though I'm a Union Guy(and you seem to think we are fire breathing dragons) and you are not even a "Merit Guy", I think if we ever had an opportunity in person to discuss the topics .....maybe we would be more clear. I know I would I:smile:.

As far as I am concerned on this thread....I'll let you have the last word:smile:
Dan - sure you pointed out something that changed to me, and it took some doing. I'll admit that.

But I do not see or have I noticed any change in the 'laborer issue', and you won't get me to buy it until you show me that title-8 changed. Because for anyone to go through a 5 year apprenticeship, and (8) thousands of hours of OJT in order to be able to operate a torque wrench, or apply a wire nut is just so far off the mark. Why test for and require experiance for anything else but that?!?!? And to promote the idea puts anyone who buys into it in jeapordy of thier livelyhood. You should choose your words more wisely, although for the most part - in this thread - it has been basically you and me, but other people do read this.

And YES - most of us could care less what the battles and jabbs of big money NECA/IBEW or Merit shops have in store for each other - until it affects ALL of us, and it has. The whole trade in CA has been in a state of limbo with this for years now..... If you feel like doing a little research, you'll find that most of the C-10's in the state are not associated with either the NECA/IBEW, or ABC and WECA. For that matter - even want to be.
Okay, since it's established that DAS will approve any course that hands out certificates of completion, where is the best deal?
It was obvious from the beginning with (our friend Grey Davis and the IBEW in cahoots) the whole certification was a ploy to run C-10's out of business. It backfired on the union when IBEW members had to take the test. I think it is great that hard working electricians in California get to pay the state to do the same job they did yesterday. The Gov't needs our money! Had to get that off my chest.
California really needs more of my money, so they don't have to sell
State Parks. They will take your intial fees so you can twist a wire nut.
But, never comit to checking your connections and God forbid you waste
energy and not folllow Title 24 to the letter. Don't get me wrong, I love this
state, It's beautiful but, it seems California dosen't want revenue making
citizens to live here, only wildlife. Sorry, had to vent, I just got home
from my second "Smog Check" in two weeks. :smile:
It was obvious from the beginning with (our friend Grey Davis and the IBEW in cahoots) the whole certification was a ploy to run C-10's out of business. It backfired on the union when IBEW members had to take the test. I think it is great that hard working electricians in California get to pay the state to do the same job they did yesterday. The Gov't needs our money! Had to get that off my chest.

Dare I say it I agree with you - the Certification program was supposed to be 'self-funded' by the fees for testing and renewals..... That money is SOOOOOO Long gone.... Now it is taxpayers paying for market recovery - but now it is not just the IBEW - but the Merit associations as well in cahoots.... Why beat 'em - join 'em! :rolleyes:

And yes - there were many people who said they would refuse to take the test, and many people for many years thought that their IBEW card was equivalent, some even thought they could take the test down at the hall..... Some even thought they did take the test down at the hall but it wasn't this one..... :rolleyes: There even was a short period of time when the people in the local in my area (#6) - were chanting "This is Union Country!" which did not last too long after their Rep's told them they just 'took over by legislation'- everything got really quiet when Davis was recalled and an out of work actor got put in his place - roughly when the Feds pulled ALL of the money out of the apprenticeship programs state wide... Believe it or not - this thing did not pick up speed again until the Govenator put ABC in charge of it for a little while.... And WECA went federal BAT.... Now it is "THEY" too who are pushing for this. So now - it is really both sides of the union merit coin - all the other people who get caught in the grind between the two are the ones who'll suffer IMO.
California really needs more of my money, so they don't have to sell
State Parks. They will take your intial fees so you can twist a wire nut.
But, never comit to checking your connections and God forbid you waste
energy and not folllow Title 24 to the letter. Don't get me wrong, I love this
state, It's beautiful but, it seems California dosen't want revenue making
citizens to live here, only wildlife. Sorry, had to vent, I just got home
from my second "Smog Check" in two weeks. :smile:

So long as we're venting.... I personally blame Prevailing Wage as the sole reason why children in this state go to school in trailers. Why? Artificially inflated wages that get marked up by the contractor managing that 'Labor', and the BILLIONS in salaried schmucks that manage the contract compliance of watching the money go by..... (And now - making sure that the Electricians can take an open book test.... ;))

So - when I take Office :grin: I elliminate the acceptance of the Bacon/Davis Act, and all other related acts fraud.... Use that money saved - in the BILLIONS to hire some contract compliance officers and hundreds of building inspectors to ensure proper building and construction spec's are followed instead of paying an ever growing top dollar to people to ensure that I pay top dollar..... The "Why Pay Less" and "Highest -qualified - Bidder" additude has got to go... :mad:
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