Funny sayings....

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Tony Malatesta: "They don't call me Speed for nuthin'."
Jugs: "Well, let's hope they don't call you Speed for everything!"

~ from Mother, Jugs, & Speed
I worked with an aircraft electronics technician once and he said " This thing doesnt have to fly to the moon" I think he was kidding but it kind of made me wonder anyway.
tonyou812 said:
"When you compare all the trades electricans have it the best, you guys dont even break a sweat and charge the most"

A painter saw me washing my hands the other day at my truck and asked if I had an extra towel.

Him: "You guys are lucky you don't have to get dirty like we do."

Me: "If we don't get dirty, then why is my trucked stocked with cleaning supplies you are borrowing."

Him: "Oh. I guess you're right."
bpk said:
I worked with an aircraft electronics technician once and he said " This thing doesnt have to fly to the moon" I think he was kidding but it kind of made me wonder anyway.

I sat on a plane that was delayed because they had to change pilots. When the new pilot finally got on board he said, "Sorry for the delay folks, but don't you worry. I'm gonna fly this thing like it was rented."

That was reassuring.:roll:
Doing streetlighting in a residential neighborhood the local kids ask you what you are doing ?? So you tell them you are putting in new lights and to go ask your mommy where she wants to put the switch because they picked your house to put the switch in.
If this pic is crossing the line, Ill delete it :grin:


Edit: It was and I did. If anyone wants to see the picture send Matt a PM.
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mivey said:
"You need me to cut the switch on?"
"How long will this take?"
"Do y'all know what you are doing?"
"Was it supposed to do that?"
"It was working fine before you got here."
electricians to each other: "I thought you were going to take care of that"
"I was told that met code"
"Can't you just replace the ________?"
"Why can't you just_______?"
"My friend, who does electrical work, told me________"
"I could have done that"
"No, no one has done anything since the house was built"
"This shouldn't take you very long"
"Will those things work in a coke-machine?"
Union wise guy

Union wise guy

When project manager asked why its taking so long to run conduit, local 3 guy responds:

This is local 3 not express 3!

Another favorite,
If its good enough for the government its good enough for me!
from the inspection side:

"when did they put THAT in the Code?" (normally 3 Code cycles ago)

"but I didn't have any _________ on the truck"

"well, __(electrician)___ told me that was what the Code said"

" __(inspector_) always let's us do that" (normally something like using 14 on a 20 amp circuit)
After 5 pages did no one say "My Time is you Money"?

My signature... "It always gonna be in the last place you look"

My favorite lately is from Realtors - A lie told to new homeowners.
"The former owner was an Electrician"
Meaning there is an enormous amount of unorthodoxed wiring methods
TOOL_5150 said:
If this pic is crossing the line, Ill delete it :grin:


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I'd say it's pretty obvious what you should do.
Can't see it from my house.

From an inspector more than once.

"Well that's the way I prefer to see it done" me "Really? Well then you should write your own code book."

From an electrician, "Well it is in the Code Book."

Well show me and they NEVER DO.
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