Funny sayings....

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I was an aircraft mechanic in the USAF working on a really old bit of the inventory and a saying that went around frequently was: If it sticks force it. If it breaks it needed to be replaced anyway. Also...Tighten it until it loosens back up, then back it off a quarter turn
TOOL_5150 said:
If this pic is crossing the line, Ill delete it :grin:


Edit: It was and I did. If anyone wants to see the picture send Matt a PM.

Or me. I saved a copy. It was good.

...even if inappropriate. :smile:
brian john said:
From an electrician, "Well it is in the Code Book."

Well show me and they NEVER DO.

Never say never.;) I make it a point of perfessyunal pride when I get a questionable correction from an inspector to look up the appropriate Article, whether "shall", "may" or "shall not" and offer it for the inspector's consideration. Course there's always those "grey areas, subject to interpretation..." :grin:
frizbeedog said:
Or me. I saved a copy. It was good.

...even if inappropriate. :smile:

No more pic requests. I can't figure how to send a pic attachment in a PM.


Contact Tool. My inbox is full. :roll:
Never say never. I make it a point of perfessyunal pride when I get a questionable correction from an inspector to look up the appropriate Article, whether "shall", "may" or "shall not" and offer it for the inspector's consideration. Course there's always those "grey areas, subject to interpretation..."

Ahhhh but I am talking general conversation with electricians and I make it a habit of not opening my mouth until I know I am right. I carry a code book. And to date 38 years the electrican has not shown me (OK I cheat I'll look first if unsure). Black, Red, Blue is NEC MANDATORY for example.
brian john said:
Ahhhh but I am talking general conversation with electricians and I make it a habit of not opening my mouth until I know I am right. I carry a code book. And to date 38 years the electrican has not shown me (OK I cheat I'll look first if unsure). Black, Red, Blue is NEC MANDATORY for example.

Good practice. Me too (the code book thing). We have a new crop of inspectors in one of our major cities here on the L. coast who lean a little further toward reliance on their enforcement "author-a-ty" as AHJ, rather than toward their responsibility as AHJ to interpret the code as written.

One of these recently told me that I should "find one 'a' the old guys at the union hall who could show me a copy of the code in force when the occupancy was built (1908) so I'd know what had to be done." This was on a SFD panel upgrade.:-? :cool:

He wanted the (existing) branch circuits in an occupied dwelling seperated so that lighting and receptacle outlets were not intermingled on the same branch.
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frizbeedog said:
No more pic requests. I can't figure how to send a pic attachment in a PM.


Contact Tool. My inbox is full. :roll:

Ill PM yall a link if you want. Theres no nudity, and its a cartoon - so dont get your hopes up. :grin:

Sorry Bob. I wont post that stuff anymore.

It's not electrical but...

It's not electrical but...

c2500 said:
I was in Big Orange once, and I ask the Ast. Manager where the nail straighteners were? She said in hardware and would show was very funny, because she had a builder's license. After a while, she missed the humour in it.

Go to a auto parts store, and ask for muffler bearings and a kanooder valve. You can tell who's been around awhile. ;)

While buying tools, ask for a left handed screw driver.

If someone wants to trade or borrow something you don't want to get rid of, tell them you'll trade for a left handed smoke shifter.

My personal favorite. While on a camp out with a scout troop, one of the kids asked one of the adults if they could borrow something. The adult told him he would let him use it if the kid could find a fallopian tube stretcher. The kid than ran all over camp, asking, very loudly, if anyone had a fallopian tube stretcher he could borrow.
kspifldorf said:
Does anybody know where I can find any macaroni seeds, The lady at Southern States couldn't find any, but she could call around fer me:grin:
She may call you with some wheat seed. They do have macaroni seed, also known as durum or red durum wheat.
:grin: It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. We used to kid the newbie about finding a "skyhook". What if he would have brought back this:

or this (now Manitex):
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