GC only wants service

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Show me the work & sign the contract. I'm not the electric police. If my name's on the permit I let the AHJ know I'm only doing the service. Homeowner and handyman electrical work will always be with us. I don't lose any sleep about it.

Since there's good money in the service, I would install it and walk away. Personally I wouldn't care who came in behind me, GC ,HO or a guy from the corner.
peter d said:
There's pretty much no money roping houses anywhere.

I'm told there's no money roping houses here, and that it's why we don't do them. Not even the services*, but I guess if the price was right (and as stated, the money was green, or whatever color they're printing up nowadays)

* - Of course we did do a LOT of service re-builds on houses after the ice storm, but that was a rare time in company histroy. Got $500 a pop for them from the City (/fema)

Some we would have charged $800 for, some we would have charged $200 for, so in the end it averaged out ok. Some we drove by and there wasn't anything wrong. We got paid for those too, right or wrong. Those made up for the $1000 services we re built for $500... It all averaged out as I said.
bikeindy said:
480sparky said:
One question though.... how do you do the service calculation?
Based on the plans the same way you would if you were doing the whole job.
In this case, I'd just ask the GC what the calcs are. When he can't provide them, tell him what your charge for that would be.
What's the problem ? Your scope of work would be to install the service only.

I would also inform the AHJ that your scope of work is to only install the service. Upon completion of the service inspection promptly remove your name from the permit.
sparky 134 said:
What's the problem ? Your scope of work would be to install the service only.

I would also inform the AHJ that your scope of work is to only install the service. Upon completion of the service inspection promptly remove your name from the permit.
Here, you would have to pull the whole permit, and then the new EC would have to do a permit "take over" to relieve you from accountability.
Minuteman said:
Here, you would have to pull the whole permit, and then the new EC would have to do a permit "take over" to relieve you from accountability.
That's a rule that needs challenged. There's no way to hold a man accountable for work he didn't do, just because he was unable to remove his name from the permit. I think you might have summed it up wrong. Is Oklahoma going to make you do work for free? I think not.
Here the utility company won't hook on until an electrical inspection form is signed by an inspector or the electrician. Of course the HO or GC wants the service plus a receptacle to plug in to and they want it energized. With my name on the paper I am saying-(wording on form) "I certify that the electrical installations for the dwelling meet the requirements of the current NEC". How many HO or GC meet code? I don't dare put my name on it. If I tell the GC or HO I'll do the service, but not sign the paper they'll say no thanks and find someone who will. But I don't see how to avoid my name on someone elses errors.
AKwiring said:
How do you respond to GC or HO who only want you to do the service on a new residential job and leave the house wiring to them?
I see nothing wrong with this at all, assuming he pays his bills.

Its possible he has someone else doing the rest of the work that can do that work very efficiently, but does not do services very efficiently.

besides, who cares? As long as his money is green and the thing is on the up and up, go for it.

as a practical matter, he may be trying to avoid having a temporary service that he has to pay to put in and then remove.
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sparky 134 said:
What's the problem ? Your scope of work would be to install the service only.

I would also inform the AHJ that your scope of work is to only install the service. Upon completion of the service inspection promptly remove your name from the permit.
I see absolutely no reason to get an electrical permit that says anything other than exactly what you are doing in any case.
AKwiring said:
Here the utility company won't hook on until an electrical inspection form is signed by an inspector or the electrician. Of course the HO or GC wants the service plus a receptacle to plug in to and they want it energized. With my name on the paper I am saying-(wording on form) "I certify that the electrical installations for the dwelling meet the requirements of the current NEC". How many HO or GC meet code? I don't dare put my name on it. If I tell the GC or HO I'll do the service, but not sign the paper they'll say no thanks and find someone who will. But I don't see how to avoid my name on someone elses errors.

Akwiring, what state are you working in?

There may be someone from your area that can better advise you on the forum.
since the order on this seems to be troubling, what if you had a temp service installed and then had the gc's goon monkeys run all the rope in the house, and you come in at the end and attach the service and clean up the BC's coming into the panel. then you could look at what they did and offer to fix the mess for a small fee, and still feel that you did your job of handing over a "safe" house to the POCO
petersonra said:
I see absolutely no reason to get an electrical permit that says anything other than exactly what you are doing in any case.

Me too. In fact I've pulled a permit for my work even though nobody else pulled a permit for their framing, their plumbing and their other stuff. I just told the inspector, "I don't really know what these guys are doing, I just want to make sure my stuff is inspected.

The inspector knows me, and is also known to be a "rat" in his town and there was still no problem. He inspected my work and let it stand as that.
mdshunk said:
That's a rule that needs challenged. There's no way to hold a man accountable for work he didn't do, just because he was unable to remove his name from the permit. I think you might have summed it up wrong. Is Oklahoma going to make you do work for free? I think not.

I see your point, accountable may not have been the best word to use. A take over is necessary for the inspection process to continue. No one can call for inspections on my permit but me.

However the new EC and the homeowner each can sign a notarized statement relieving the former EC from the original permit.

There is a bad part about takeovers. There is no teeth in it to make sure that the original contractor gets paid in full.
Minuteman said:
I see your point, accountable may not have been the best word to use. A take over is necessary for the inspection process to continue. No one can call for inspections on my permit but me.

However the new EC and the homeowner each can sign a notarized statement relieving the former EC from the original permit.

There is a bad part about takeovers. There is no teeth in it to make sure that the original contractor gets paid in full.
permits are not about anyone being paid.
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