CA Exam. I know I should focus on studying but which part? Calculations, grounding and bonding? I'm suck at motor and transformer, how do I improve this?
Please see this
recent post on the topic. In this
recent thread.
If you're talking about "General Journeyman Certification"? Then I suggest you get used to identifying, and locating topics in the NEC - and avoid memorization of any particular code sections... As for Calculations there are very few in the test, but I would memorize the formulas for basic ohms law, and motor formulas. And practice using them, not so much as to get exact answers - but to identify the most likely answer. See below:
Since the test is timed - multiple choice - I would practice taking tests of this kind, and look into the stratagies of taking these. Since unanswered questions are "wrong" - it is wise not to spend too much time on any one question, if you get stuck - answer
the most likely, mark it for later review, then return to it later once you have cleared out all of the easy stuff. Then review ALL of your answers.
If you haven't gotten one of
these yet - look at it closely.
As for this - "I'm suck at motor and transformer, how do I improve this?" - Practice. Get some motor and transformer nameplate data, and practice finding the information on them, or that is not listed on them..... Stop into some of the more frequented areas of the forum like Engineering, and the NEC areas for more specific question help. Also at the begining of each of those codes there is a flow chart diagram - take a peek at it...