GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

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Senior Member
Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

By Pierre:

if a person is willing to "break" a rule for one thing (regardless of how trivial it may seem to them), then all rules go by the wind and anarchy sets in
So it's either a Simon says society or anarchy?

Neh, That don't fly either.

I understand if you try to feed the homeless in San Francisco without a permit you can be arrested.

Feeding people is hardly anarchy, but it is illegal (I think).

I want to comply with all the rules. But I also want all the rules to be sane.

Edit: And I think laws that exist as a means to generate revenue are questionable ethically to begin with without being so confiscatory that the cost of the work might be negligable in comparison. At some point the government should get it's own damn job.

[ August 24, 2005, 02:12 AM: Message edited by: physis ]


Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

Originally posted by pierre:

Remember one thing... if a person is willing to "break" a rule for one thing (regardless of how trivial it may seem to them), then all rules go by the wind and anarchy sets in... just a thought.
I'm curious, have you ever driven 56 mph in a 55 mph speed limit?


Senior Member
Boston, MA
Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

Originally posted by pierre:
I am not sure where you stand on this topic???
I stand over here. And over there. I also stand under there. And next to there. I guess I don't know where I stand either.


Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

Don't stand . . .

Don't stand so . . .

Don't stand so close to me!


Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

Funny how this little question about upgrading to meet NEC code turned into a serious debate about permits. I don;t think any inspector could find the location of this home to do the inspection anyway so "getting caught" changing a recepticle is any cause for fear. And I believe that the first line of that little excerpt from the MA laws governing this issue started out with something to do "For hire"... no one's hiring anyone. Point solved.


Staff member
Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

Originally posted by newt68:
Funny how this little question about upgrading to meet NEC code turned into a serious debate about permits.
Drop the attitude, your question was answered immediately in the first 5 replies.

Originally posted by newt68:
I don;t think any inspector could find the location of this home to do the inspection anyway so "getting caught" changing a recepticle is any cause for fear.
Well as long as you won't get caught... :roll:

And here I have been wasting my time following the rules.


Senior Member
Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

In my recent post I only mean to point out that laws aren't automatically good or beneficial or even make anything better than it would have been otherwise.

To put another way, Maybe a law deserves to be challenged. And when sanity fails to prevail, maybe then a law ought to be broken.

But that's rather extreme and certainly doesn't apply when you simply want to break the law because you think you wont get caught.

That's just juvenile.


Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

This is what eases my mind about falling into a new career late in my life... Most of all the helpers I know are more than a few cards short of a full deck... and now proving another point of mine, people here can't stay focused on one subject. As for my attitude? I wasn;t showing an attitude. I apologize if you saw it that way. I was actually laughing hysterically. I was excersizing my sense of humor... so sorry to offend. I'm in Florida BTW. I won;t be doing anything in MA. The question was only to get some info for my father who is in MA getting his house ready for sale. He put in the original service panel in that house when he built it(with the permission from the county's electrical inspector) and is now getting ready to upgrade it, with the permission of the county's electrical inspector yet again. I hope this eases your mind if only a little bit.


Senior Member
Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

IWIRE Bob IMO MGL permits anyone owning property to do electrical work in that building regardless of the size. It is unfortunate but that is the law as I read it. However again in MYO the AHY is not required to issue a permit or to inspect the work.

I inspect in MA. and do not issue permits or inspect work done by people w/out a license.

People not qualified to do the work are trying to leave the responsibility of a safe installation on the inspector so they can sleep nights and create sleepless nights for the inspector . SORRY BUT THAT IS NOT FOR ME



Senior Member
Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

IWIRE Bob IMO MGL permits anyone owning property to do electrical work in that building regardless of the size. It is unfortunate but that is the law as I read it.
I have a different take on this concern.

I think the best thing we can do in this country is get back to being responsible for our own actions. And also, be left alone when those actions don't impact anyone else, and insurance companies aren't "anyone else". We shouldn't live under laws written for insurance companies.

I have two thoughts on it.

(1) The home owner should be left alone to take the assumption of risk associated with building on his own property. Everyone who does'nt like that needs more to do with there time.

(2) When (1) might jeoperdise someone else or their property, then there should be standards enforced. But not until someone other than an insurance company is effected.

I like what I'm understantanding the law in MA to be on this. It's how it ought to be.

[ August 24, 2005, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: physis ]


Staff member
Re: GFCI circuit breakers in service panels

Originally posted by romeo:
IWIRE Bob IMO MGL permits anyone owning property to do electrical work in that building regardless of the size. It is unfortunate but that is the law as I read it.
This is all very depressing and at this point I must ask why is it limited to the owner?

It seems anyone work for free would qualify. :(

Originally posted by romeo:
People not qualified to do the work are trying to leave the responsibility of a safe installation on the inspector so they can sleep nights and create sleepless nights for the inspector.
Well I never have looked at it that way, the installer is always the responsible one unless some sort of extreme case of negligence on the inspectors part.

Shoot, how do you sleep at night after looking at some of the work done by licensed workers. :(
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