Gfci Shower light

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Senior Member
Litchfield, CT
brother said:
How you equate someone in an enclosed shower with a lightfixture over head in their OWN house where the steam/water vapor could possibly work its way in with a light fixture outside is beyond me!!
There is major difference between the 2!! Residential and outside/commercial!!

It was just a question... :cool:
stickboy1375 said:
It was just a question... :cool:

yes i understood it was question, but how you interpet me seeing a gfci for a residential shower light for extra layer of safety as me saying " every outside fixture should be gfci required as well" Is a bit of stretch!!

And to out right answer your question, the answer is NO, i do not believe that every outside fixture shoud be gfci required as well.


Staff member
brother said:
How you equate someone in an enclosed shower with a lightfixture over head in their OWN house where the steam/water vapor could possibly work its way in with a light fixture outside is beyond me!!
There is major difference between the 2!! Residential and outside/commercial!!

I'm sorry I really don't see the difference.

Wet electrical fixture, likely a well 'grounded' person and the outdoor fixture may be 277 to ground.

The risks seem the same to me.


Senior Member
Boston, MA
If you are changing a lightbulb while you are showering you deserve to get fried.

What a bunch of nonsense.

Where do these phantom code rules come from?
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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
georgestolz said:
A standard white baffle doesn't cover the lamp.

George I have seen many CFL's that are not rated for recessed cans-- that was one point I was trying to make. Also the manufacturer lists the bulbs suitable for particular trims. I have yet to see a recessed can that states a CFL as one of the options. Probably not a big deal however it could be argued that it voids the listing of the can.
I've had it go both ways, many times actually.

Same inspection authority, houses on the same street, different inspectors.

One required the light GFI'd, one said absolutely do not GFI it.
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