tallguy said:
NH allows owner-occupied to do own work. No test.
Same in NY. I wish I had pictures to show you things that would cause you to lose sleep

No licensing required. I did a recent inspection before the "real" inspector was scheduled to arrive, which he still hasn't. What a holy-smokes nightmare! I'll post again on this later, too little time tonight to report of all the things I see fly here that otherwise would never even make it to rough in.
On another note,... I don't like posting on this forum. Some of you guys/gals are way too full of personal opinion. Don't automatically jump on someone if they are wrong. Guide them, throw them theory, show them what they need to know. Such aggression sometimes looks very offensive. Ease up, I like this site, but some of the subjects touched here remind me of why I choose to be a bachelor. This isn't a contest. Help your brother out. If anyone askes something really green, or you think they don't have the knowledge to be doing such work, explain to them why. Don't shove it down their neck. Alot of people will adventure to this site and look for professional help. When you grill them, they feel real stupid due to lack of experience. Why do that? This site isn't for DIY, I fully agree. Don't shoot for a kill with someone who is just simply looking for guidance. Alot of these codes I couldn't answer as far as construction. I did my stint in res and commercial, but construction doesn't interest me. I want to troubleshoot and get multi-million $ machinery back online. It's in my blood. If I question why the code is the way it is, not knowing otherwise, can I expect the same kind of brutal bashings? I don't care if you do maintenance, construction, contracting, inspections, etc.. We all reside in the field, why not go out of your way to help your fellow brother out? I have read many of replies here now. I find alot of them to be very distasteful. We are all in the same field, why reply to your brother in some of the fashion I have seen here? I have worked with many who keep their knowledge to their own selves for job security. Why do that? We are all in this together. Reach a hand out to someone who is trying to learn or who can't fully understand. None of us are Gods, share what you have with others:wink: I have worked along side of many know-it-alls, and it disturbs me. Who on this forum can say they know it all???? I am not saying anyone of you can. We should try to guide others in the right direction, not bash the difference between their opinion and yours. Tell them respectively why they are wrong, or how they misinterpreted, don't knock them out with a right handed sucker punch