Gfi plugmold just has no wire bending volume

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Senior Member
electrical contractor
They cut the ends of the line wires so that you have to make the junction above the GFI

How does anyone do it?

In belief, man can do anything
Actually I remember they sold some special plug mold butt connectors

In belief, man can do anything
The butt splices are the way to go with the plugmold. I would have turned the plugmold so the unit was facing down and use an end fitting for the wire to enter the plugmold
I did use an entrance end and I do like your idea of pointing opening down

In belief, man can do anything
BTW- I hate working with that stuff. I will do almost anything to get out of it but we have a few jobs coming up where we will have to use it. My men are not happy about it.
FWIW- the reference to GFI in the OP's post should be GFCI. (there is a distinct difference)!

Not that I am the GFCI Police or anything and please do not take it as negative response.
I will probably call it GFI the rest of my life. Occasionally I will say GFCI-- old habits are wrong I could not resist. No I was referring to the OP calling it GFI when it should be referred to as GFCI. Where in 210.8 does it say GFI...;)
But it's all tried to convince people tonight that an EMT fitting meets 358.30 to support a proposal for the 2017 and I got shut down...;)...gotta try however.
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