GFI receptacles by garage door.

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GFCI in garage door openers

GFCI in garage door openers

On GFGI @ garage door opener--- A few years ago I was called to a Job where Lightning had took out most of the electronics in the house and two out of three openers. the one that was not affected had a GFCI.


On GFGI @ garage door opener--- A few years ago I was called to a Job where Lightning had took out most of the electronics in the house and two out of three openers. the one that was not affected had a GFCI.

Interesting Note: The word 'simultaneous' has been added to the 2011 [430.24] ex.3 for separate interlocked motor control that can allow the same branch circuit for multiple garage door openers. This has been a question in the past for using different RF channel controls, AHJ permitted, as an interlock energizing one door opener at a time on a common branch circuit .
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