Wow, I only walked out of the room for a minute.
1. The way it was explained to me by a very brilliant man was, "there's a reason they call it the theroy of electricity".
2. There is a warning lable on your GFCI testers that tell you not to use on a two wire system as there is a potential shock hazard.
3. Preception current: <1ma, Let go current: 6ma-99.5% of all men, women and children, 10ma-98.5% men, 60% women, 7.5% children, 20ma-7.5% men, 0% women & children Ventricular Fibrillation: As low as 60ma
.002 amps= mild sensation of electrical shock
GFCI's operate at .004-.006 amps
.008 amps= painful shock
Lowest impedance- chest to left hand
Most vulnerable time- 1st 1/7th of cycle
Physiological effects of ground faults depends on: Voltage, current, AC vs DC, frequencies, time, waveform, path, body.