Good support

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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
I use small PLCs from an online wholesale. A recent firmware update caused me some grief. I thought it was my failure and asked some questions on their forums page. Danged if I didn't get a reply informing me that tech would look into it. They did. A tentative firmware update was sent to me for testing. Looking good for the most part. (No, I will not share it)

Just nice to see and a pat on the back for Automation Direct.
I interviewed there and they seem like a good company to work for also. Fairly flat structure like three levels from president to low man. MBA paired with SME to create product owners (what I was looking at). Important to me is this OP feedback and lots of other good feedback about AD across the internet isn't uncommon.
Good to hear that service and support are not totally dead yet. There are a few dedicated people.
for my company I do almost exclusively budget automation. AD has been fantastic all-around for the past 5 years I've been using them. I also found an error in their documentation for the Solo! temp controllers and it was corrected pretty quickly.
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