ground a solar farm

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So there's the problem, there is no physical way to have EGCs in the same raceway when those EGCs are going in different directions.

I don't see the problem. EGCs can be branched, spliced, combined in j-boxes.

[/quote](Where installed)...makes them sound optional. and "or otherwise"...that is terribly un-specific.[/quote]

I think the language is just intended to reflect that with some wiring methods the raceway can serve as the EGC and some methods do not require a raceway.
good morning sir

good morning sir

I don't see the problem. EGCs can be branched, spliced, combined in j-boxes.

I think the language is just intended to reflect that with some wiring methods the raceway can serve as the EGC and some methods do not require a raceway.

There is one thing which is a fact- the words "mechanically integrated" appear exactly once in the entire code.
However, the word mechanically appears many many times, and for instance being "secure" would lead one to think....integrated!

There must be a simple way to focus the language, but I'm not the guy to do it. Maybe you are. ;)
"when those circuit conductors leave the vicinity of the PV array."

Maybe change it to "are run to the (their?) associated electrical equipment", as in j-box, combiner or inverter.

(B) Splices. Conductors shall be spliced or joined with
splicing devices identified for the use or by brazing, welding,
or soldering with a fusible metal or alloy. Soldered
splices shall first be spliced or joined so as to be mechanically
and electrically secure
without solder and then be
The definition of an array mentions the types of parts to be mechanically integrated, and it does not include wiring methods. Again, in my opinion conductors don't mechanically integrate something. Just going by dictionary definitions.
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