OK. So, I spoke with the EI yesterday and after some persuading and a verification that I pounded these in by hand at that they hit compacted earth he agreed that I do not have to re-install the rods or supplement them. Now I find out that there were two other items that he wanted corrected. The first was the entry of the electrode grounding wires into the breaker panel. I used those two small KO holes at the top of the panel (and not a Kenny clamp) for entry. I remember this like it was yesterday in a CEU class that as long as you have properly secured the ground wires before entry to the panel you could use these small KO holes. He was not in agreement so this is not a big change and not worth arguing about. He suggested that I use either an Arlington black button or a metal roamex clamp. I didn't think these were an approved method for these wires but again - not worth arguing about (BTW, the other reason I use the small KO's is so that you don't use up a regular KO that you might need for existing wires).
The second is that he wants me to be present with a torque wrench and wants to see that I have tightened the service lugs in the main breaker panel to the suggested torque. He is not concerned about the lugs in the meter enclosure. Anyone else run into these requirements ?