Grounding a Transformer

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A step down 75KVA 3 phase wye transformer 490/277 to 208/120 recently went bad, it was located inside a building servicing a motor aparently it did not have a ground connection, my question is
would that be a possible cause why the transformer went bad?
A step down 75KVA 3 phase wye transformer 490/277 to 208/120 recently went bad, it was located inside a building servicing a motor aparently it did not have a ground connection, my question is
would that be a possible cause why the transformer went bad?
IMO, not being grounded would not cause failure.
I agree. Lack of a ground would be way down on my list of possibilities.

Can you tell us how it was connected (Input 480v ?, was the 480/277 neutral connected to anything ? )
What do you mean by bad? Internal short such as a breakdown in insulation or meltdown from overloading? Failure of the motor overloads? Low voltage on the primary side?
Probably dust build up on the plates... And if the humidity was high you could have a bridge for the current to flow.
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