grounding gas pipes

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this is our city inspector but we have a pretty picky state inspector also and when he comes on the job one of the first things he looks at is the bonding of both the hot and cold water lines ,we always do this at the water heater where the pipes come out of the wall,but i have seen it done under the kitchen sink also,we also bond the motor on a jacuzzi tub to one of the water lines at the tub and the city inspector told us to use #8 solid and not #6
If the hot and cold lines are not electrically isolated from each other you only need to bond one or the other - if metal water service then the required GEC attached within 5 feet of entrance is all that is needed.
No thanks. Since I'm answering questions in an NEC forum that pertain to the NEC I'll answer based on that. That aside I don't even know what a USBC is.

If you have a relevant answer let's hear it.

answereing questions inaccurately is one thing

passing inspections is another. The advise you gave will not help the latter
answereing questions inaccurately is one thing

passing inspections is another. The advise you gave will not help the latter

My advice or so you understand, advise, is solid and more than that, correct. Of course it wan't even advice, it was just stating the facts as they exist.

Again, do YOU have any advice, or advise???

I don't know why you have a thing for me but if you are going to be up my rear, at least have something to back yourself up.

I didn't take you as the type to be a bumkisser to an inspector. Especially the type that the OP is dealing with, commonly called clueless.
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My advice or so you understand, advise, is solid and more than that, correct. Of course it wan't even advice, it was just stating the facts as they exist.

Again, do YOU have any advice, or advise???

I don't know why you have a thing for me but if you are going to be up my rear, at least have something to back yourself up.

I didn't take you as the type to be a bumkisser to an inspector. Especially the type that the OP is dealing with, commonly called clueless.

Yes, read the USBC. I don't have a "thing for you. If I have disagreed with you in the past, that was because of the disagreement, not a pattern.
So after 5 minutes of looking I have found the article in question. Not sure how it is different
310.1 Gas pipe bonding. Each above-ground portion of a gas piping system that is likely to become energized shall be electrically continuous and bonded to an effective ground-fault current path. Gas piping shall be considered to be bonded where it is connected to appliances that are connected to the equipment grounding conductor of the circuit supplying that appliance.
CSST gas piping systems shall be bonded to the electrical service grounding electrode system at the point where the gas service piping enters the building. The bonding conductor size shall be not less than #6 AWG copper wire or equivalent.

We all know about CSST but that was not what was being discussed from what I read.

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