He specifically talks about "Earth Ground" and then continues to explain how he misunderstands its use compared to Bonding equipment ground..... bla bla bla
Bottom line. It's too easy to make a video, website, post or distribute information with a with good but not perfect understanding. I get tired of seeing it and getting charged up. Some of us get it. Just look at the posts here. We split hairs and critique every word.
It does make it easier sometimes to grab peoples attention as a teacher. They think they understand until you challenge them on their thinking. Then they realize they misunderstood and they never forget. I use the myth or vague line of "electricity takes the path of least resistance". Just tell people its flat out wrong. Incorrect. Then pause while they sit in silence wondering if your serious. Ask them if while in a grocery store if they only check out with the fastest cashier regardless of how many people are on line or if they evaluate how many people are in each line and disregard cashier speed?
People will organize themselves in grocery lines much like electrons do in parallel. Most current will take the path of least resistance, but not all. The most amount of shoppers will checkout with the fastest cashier, but not all. It will always be worth it to be the first in line with the slowest cashier than the 10th online with the fastest. The balance will be decided based on actual speeds and resistances.
Then people start to think instead of repeat stuff. They also start to ask more questions to understand it more.