Harmonic affects

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Transformer energy losses tend to worsen with increasing frequency. The skin effect within winding conductors reduces the available cross-sectional area for electron flow, thereby increasing effective resistance as the frequency goes up and creating more power lost through resistive dissipation.

Magnetic core losses are also exaggerated with higher frequencies, eddy currents and hysteresis effects becoming more severe. For this reason, transformers of significant size are designed to operate efficiently in a limited range of frequencies. In most power distribution systems where the line frequency is very stable, one would think excessive frequency would never pose a problem. Unfortunately it does, in the form of harmonics created by nonlinear loads.

Non-sinusoidal waveforms are equivalent to additive series of multiple sinusoidal waveforms at different amplitudes and frequencies. In power systems, these other frequencies are whole-number multiples of the fundamental (line) frequency, meaning that they will always be higher, not lower, than the design frequency of the transformer. In significant measure, they can cause severe transformer overheating.

Power transformers can be engineered to handle certain levels of power system harmonics, and this capability is sometimes denoted with a "K factor" rating. Basically these have larger cores to disipate the additional heating from harmonics.
Zog delivered an excellent review of the matter as usual. The only thing I'd add, more towards practice than theory, is I've seen a lot of engineers use upsized transformers instead of K-rated ones since the cost is similar if you just got a regular xfmr at one or two levels higher in the rating compared to if you buy the k-rated unit. This solution seems effective (unless you have an unusual case causing very servere harmonics) because it deals with the effects of the harmonics while allowing for possible future growth based on conditions.
I agree with all the explanations.

There are different solutions for harmonic current. The easiest one is to use detuned capacitors - if you have power factor capacitors without reactors, they increase the harmonics. If you add specifically designed reactors the current harmonic will not be increased or even reduced. This is relatively simple and very effective. It is very important to use high quality reactors with careful design and electronic switching of capacitors to maintain the detuning frequency over time.

Other solutions include active filter, zig zag transformers, line reactors, using better equipment (depends on the loads), tuned capacitors.
Greeting all,
I need some information regarding to

1- harmonic affects on transformers.

2- What is the solution for harmonic current?
Some mitigation measures we have used:
  • Passive harmonic filters tuned to 5th, 7th, 11th & 13th - not too expensive but can catch out the unwary.
  • Active filters - expensive but easier to implement.
  • 12 and 24-pulse systems. It is a nearly no cost option if you are going to need a unit transformer anyway.
  • Polygonal transformers to provide 12-pulse operation without the need for transformers at the full kVA rating. It is a neat solution if you need to add new drives to an existing site if there is limited headroom for additional harmonic content.

The particular circumstances will determine the most suitable solution.
if you have power factor capacitors without reactors, they increase the current harmonics. If you add reactors the current harmonic will not be increased or even reduced.

I'm not a 100% sure, but I my mind..

I believe if you have capacitor's without reactors it will increase current harmonics between the capacitors and the load, but decrease voltage harmonics, and reduce current harmonics at the transformer.

By adding reactors you are choking off the amount of harmonic current the capacitor can supply. Voltage harmonics will increase in addition the harmonics at the transformer. Though it is always a good idea to have detuned capacitors, I believe adding the reactors to them will increase the harmonics at the transformer.

Let me know if I am wrong.
Current harmonics cause voltage harmonics and vice versa. I don't know of any method to increase one of them and reduce the other.

The problem with capacitors without reactors is that their impedance is lower when frequency increases (1/jWC). This means that in higher frequencies they cause high currents. When you add reactors, in low frequencies the capacitor is dominant and in higher frequencies the reactor is dominant.

There are different situation with capacitors, like parallel resonance and serial resonance. Finally, they all sum up with increased current harmonics which lead to increased voltage harmonics.

Another solution, which I assume that this is what you have in mind, is tuned reactors (compared to de-tuned). In this way the reactors are tuned to specific frequency and the harmonic current at specific frequency has almost zero impedance on the capacitor-reactor section. All this harmonic current goes to there and removed (by means of heat) from the system. This is more complicated to implement as it requires accurate values and in field correction (you cannot tune to excatly zero impedance as it is short circuit - you move slightly by adding/removing small capacitors).
Note that most of the information on harmonic issues are written by someone with a vested economic interest in helping you solve your harmonic "problem". This is not to say that there are not real issues caused by harmonics, but just to say that they are no where near as common as you would expect from reading the information that is out there.
Note that most of the information on harmonic issues are written by someone with a vested economic interest in helping you solve your harmonic "problem". This is not to say that there are not real issues caused by harmonics, but just to say that they are no where near as common as you would expect from reading the information that is out there.

This is absolutely ----. Thanks and goodbye.
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Note that most of the information on harmonic issues are written by someone with a vested economic interest in helping you solve your harmonic "problem". This is not to say that there are not real issues caused by harmonics, but just to say that they are no where near as common as you would expect from reading the information that is out there.
I think harmonics issues are much more common than many realise.
A couple of examples from personal experience.

We had a mill where we were upgrading some variable speed drives from analogue to digital with all the bells and whistles. It was a phased change where the first drive changed was to be run for a week for shakedown tests. We had great difficulty getting it to operate reliably. It became evident that supply harmonic voltage distortion was causing the new drive to malfunction.

On another installation in a large luxury hotel there was mixture of three-phase and single phase with both linear and non linear loads. The overloaded neutral bar problem was fixed by adding filters. On every one of the 50 floors.

But the installation that, for me, did most to highlight the problem was a pumping station installation. There were eight drives, none of them very large, and the largest (110kW) were 12-pulse. As usual with such projects, we had to guarantee compliance at the PCC (11kV in this case) with an agreed harmonic distortion standard at the bid stage. And demonstrate compliance after completion of the installation. In the event, the supply voltage distortion was outside the agreed standard with none of the drives running and not measurably different with them all running. The existing harmonic distortion was a result of the installation being in a largely residential area where all the individual relatively small non-linear loads became, in aggregate, enough to quite significantly distort the supply.
That was about a decade ago. The increasing proliferation of non-linear devices can only have exacerbated this.
The existing harmonic distortion was a result of the installation being in a largely residential area where all the individual relatively small non-linear loads became, in aggregate, enough to quite significantly distort the supply.
That was about a decade ago. The increasing proliferation of non-linear devices can only have exacerbated this.
Wait until incandescent lights are illegal!:cool:
I have to wonder if there is significant harmonic loading that simply doesn't get recognized (and is not currently a problem) simply because lots of other pieces of the system are overdesigned.

It is well known that for many applications the article 220 calculations give values that are significantly larger than the actual loading.

If, because of non-linear loads, the current on the neutral is equal or greater than the current on the phase conductors (large harmonic loading), this may never become evident as a problem if all the conductors are loaded at 30% of their ampacity.

Besoeker: in the residential situation that you described, was anyone having problems with the harmonics? Or were they simply present and unexpected?

Besoeker: in the residential situation that you described, was anyone having problems with the harmonics? Or were they simply present and unexpected?

Well, I suppose it shouldn't have been unexpected. Hindsight etc...:roll:
I don't know whether problems were experienced elsewhere.
I was concerned only with the 11kV and downstream side that fed the pumping station at 400V 3-ph+N.
On the 11kV side it probably fed a number of distribution transformers each feeding maybe a street of houses. Bear in mind that housing density in UK is generally much higher than in USA.
I believe what Don is saying and what I have observed and what Brian John has found from years of testing is that while harmonic issues are often present they often do no damage and cause no real harm other than maybe some inefficiencies.

A lot of my work has been in office buildings where the EEs specify 'super neutrals' everywhere to combat overloading by harmonic currents. That makes sense at first until you look deeper and realize this same conservative EE has each circuit so lightly loaded that harmonics would not be a problem with a normal size neutral.

I believe what Don is saying and what I have observed and what Brian John has found from years of testing is that while harmonic issues are often present they often do no damage and cause no real harm other than maybe some inefficiencies.

A lot of my work has been in office buildings where the EEs specify 'super neutrals' everywhere to combat overloading by harmonic currents. That makes sense at first until you look deeper and realize this same conservative EE has each circuit so lightly loaded that harmonics would not be a problem with a normal size neutral.


That's called lazy engineering
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