Healthcare Facility PVC Underground Feeders

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ed downey

Senior Member
I am working on a small project that during a site visit it was discovered that the Electrician installed PVC underground for Panelboard Feeders and a few branch circuits (to Patient Care Areas).

He was informed that the Branch circuit conduit would need to be abandoned and run overhead in either Healthcare AC Cable or EMT.

My Question stems from the Feeders run Underground in PVC. I am of the opinion that per 517.C.3.1 the PVC feeders are acceptable.

The Engineer is indicating that per 517.19.D That the feeders need to be run in Rigid Underground or EMT Overhead. My stance is this only applies if you ran the Feeder in Metal Conduit or MC or MI cable. Since the Feeders meets the requirement of 517.C.3.1 this installation is acceptable.

Any comment on this would be appreciated.

Are these feeders and branch circuits part of the Emergency system?

I was always of the opinion that running PVC would violate 517.13.
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I was always of the opinion that running PVC would violate 517.13.

I would for branch circuits serving patient care areas but not necessarily feeders.

May be the question confused me then because I was going off of

"He was informed that the Branch circuit conduit would need to be abandoned and run overhead in either Healthcare AC Cable or EMT."

Is this now referring to the panelboard feeders?
May be the question confused me then because I was going off of

"He was informed that the Branch circuit conduit would need to be abandoned and run overhead in either Healthcare AC Cable or EMT."

Is this now referring to the panelboard feeders?

The original posters question was in reference to the feeders that supplied the panelboards for the patient care areas.

My Question stems from the Feeders run Underground in PVC. I am of the opinion that per 517.C.3.1 the PVC feeders are acceptable.

Sorry about the original question it should say the Feeders run underground meet the requirements of 517.30.C.3.1

Yes, We are talking about feeders & yes, there is both normal, Critical & Life Safety feeders.

Sorry about the original question it should say the Feeders run underground meet the requirements of 517.30.C.3.1

Yes, We are talking about feeders & yes, there is both normal, Critical & Life Safety feeders.


The PVC would have to be schedule 80 to comply with 517.30(C)(3)(1) or schedule 40 encased in 2" of concrete to comply with 517.30(C)(3)(2)

There would also be a problem with running the critical branch circuits in HCFC.

With all that said, I agree with
My stance is this only applies if you ran the Feeder in Metal Conduit or MC or MI cable. Since the Feeders meets the requirement of 517.30(C)(3)(1) this installation is acceptable

Thanks, It is nice to have a sounding board to make sure I am not reading something incorrectly before I talk to an engineer about an issue on a project.
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