I don't really care if we call it a switch or whatever.
They do what was intended and keeps the worker safe and ... you can keep the handle with you for added safety.
... simply place a few concrete blocks on the ground under the disconnect to meet 110.26
Good points.
""a breaker in a 3r box"" is sold by HD, containing a circuit breaker
with NO Thermal sensor inside the CB case.
It comes in an enclosure with a flipping cover, a pad-lock tab,
an internal dead-front, and offers no exposed conductors.
I use them to replace/repair Pull-Outs cheaply.
Some people walk away with fused pull-outs from a neighbor,
so they can re-fuse their own house.
Our inspectors require that the Disconnects (of any type)
be mounted below 6'7", and to one side of the A/C, and always within site.
The NEC is concerned about Fire Prevention
and Personal Safety.
When I get a call to a hot burning A/C, then
Reaching Over or Behind a hot burning A/C
is a matter of Fire Prevention and Personal Safety.
I don't see why some of the guys are so interested
in every possible jot and tittle of a continually revised NEC,
when the Intent is plainly
Fire Prevention and Personal Safety.
Maybe I missed something,
and to that end, I am sure I'll receive comments.
I plan to read iWire's comments first.
I Always read his comments first.
This thread has turned in to a joke.
I've got to go find some place with
electrical theory
and calculations and equations.