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Hey everyone hope your all having a great day! I had a odd request and didn't know if you guys could please give me some input. Well someone called me about doing a side job. The side job was wiring a house and they where going to buy all the stock needed which is great and all but they just wanted me to put a bid on labor to wire the house. Hmm kinda hard I dont know how I would go about doing this because to be totally honest I never had a side job of wiring a house before. I need to touch base with them to get the plans but my question is how would you guys do this? I am sorry I just never had to bid before for a side job of this size. :confused:
dSilanskas said:
Hey everyone hope your all having a great day! I had a odd request and didn't know if you guys could please give me some input. Well someone called me about doing a side job. The side job was wiring a house and they where going to buy all the stock needed which is great and all but they just wanted me to put a bid on labor to wire the house. Hmm kinda hard I dont know how I would go about doing this because to be totally honest I never had a side job of wiring a house before. I need to touch base with them to get the plans but my question is how would you guys do this? I am sorry I just never had to bid before for a side job of this size. :confused:
If you worked for me you would be fired for competing against me.They want a lowballer which is the biggest problem we have in our trade.
To be honest with you my boss is totally cool with me doing side work we are not like that around here. I already talked to him about doing side work and he told me if I ever needed anything he wouldn't mind helping me. But thank you for your concern :rolleyes:
dSilanskas said:
To be honest with you my boss is totally cool with me doing side work we are not like that around here. I already talked to him about doing side work and he told me if I ever needed anything he wouldn't mind helping me. But thank you for your concern :rolleyes:
There is one born every minute you are lucky to work for one,well your boss can't complain when he can't get his needed price because he encouraged his employees to cut him off at the knees.When and if you ever own a legit business pay all the freight that goes with it then you will have earned the right to roll your eyes until then you are not part of the solution.
You know Rewire I think you need to chill out! I am not here trying to start a fight with anyone I was just looking for some help. If your having problems finding work I am sorry but dont take it out on me. Also its just my boss most people are like that if your honest with your boss about doing a side job he is not going to cut your throat about trying to make some extra money. Sorry you feel the way you do :rolleyes:
dSilanskas said:
Hey everyone hope your all having a great day! I had a odd request and didn't know if you guys could please give me some input. Well someone called me about doing a side job. The side job was wiring a house and they where going to buy all the stock needed which is great and all but they just wanted me to put a bid on labor to wire the house. Hmm kinda hard I dont know how I would go about doing this because to be totally honest I never had a side job of wiring a house before. I need to touch base with them to get the plans but my question is how would you guys do this? I am sorry I just never had to bid before for a side job of this size. :confused:
Some bosses want thier employees to see first hand that it is not easy to run a buisness and it takes a lot of work and attention to detail. So they dont mind them doing small scale jobs on the side and many times will even file the permits for them.
Rewire said:
There is one born every minute you are lucky to work for one,well your boss can't complain when he can't get his needed price because he encouraged his employees to cut him off at the knees.When and if you ever own a legit business pay all the freight that goes with it then you will have earned the right to roll your eyes until then you are not part of the solution.


It all depends on where he's getting his leads from. . If he's cultivating contacts on his paid job as an employee, those contacts should benefit his bosses company and ethics would require him not to find side work thru those channels. . That work / those leads should be directed to a bid thru the bosses company.

But if he's getting leads totally independent from his job, it's frankly none of the bosses business.

dSilanskas said:
You know Rewire I think you need to chill out! I am not here trying to start a fight with anyone I was just looking for some help. If your having problems finding work I am sorry but dont take it out on me. Also its just my boss most people are like that if your honest with your boss about doing a side job he is not going to cut your throat about trying to make some extra money. Sorry you feel the way you do :rolleyes:
Wiring a house is not a "side job" it is a job one that is normally done by a residential contractor,hanging a ceiling fan is a "side job".Are you going to charge less for your labor than your boss has to charge thats not what is on your paycheck but the hourly rate he has to charge to cover expensise overhed and profit.,if not you will be driving down the price.
quogueelectric said:
Some bosses want thier employees to see first hand that it is not easy to run a buisness and it takes a lot of work and attention to detail. So they dont mind them doing small scale jobs on the side and many times will even file the permits for them.

Good point !
Just make sure that you follow the laws of your state and rules of the AHJ which probably require regular physical supervision of the jobsite by the permit holder. . The permit holder also take on some liability.

dnem said:

It all depends on where he's getting his leads from. . If he's cultivating contacts on his paid job as an employee, those contacts should benefit his bosses company and ethics would require him not to find side work thru those channels. . That work / those leads should be directed to a bid thru the bosses company.

But if he's getting leads totally independent from his job, it's frankly none of the bosses business.

and if he smokes dope at home you probably think that is not his bosses business.
I am not trying to start a huge fight here honest:mad: I will be pulling the permit and the lady who is a very good friend of my familys runs the branch around here. Its nothing shady by any means. Everything is legal and what not I was just looking for some advice is all. If this is going to start a huge argument than honestly its not worth it forget
Rewire said:
Wiring a house is not a "side job" it is a job one that is normally done by a residential contractor,hanging a ceiling fan is a "side job".Are you going to charge less for your labor than your boss has to charge thats not what is on your paycheck but the hourly rate he has to charge to cover expensise overhed and profit.,if not you will be driving down the price.

Fine ! . It's not a "sidejob". . He has 2 jobs and one of them is self employed.

It all comes down to where the lead came from. . If the lead was cultivate independently, ethics isn't an issue and in the good old USA he can charge whatever he wishes to charge.
Rewire said:
and if he smokes dope at home you probably think that is not his bosses business.

Is even a tiny amount of dope in the system of a doper when he hits the jobsite ?
Yes !
So it's his bosses business.
And if the boss provides medical insurance then he can even dictate certain things done at home.

Everyone wants more pay and I would like to give it but the problem is we have a trade full of side jobbers who drive down the market sure 30 bucks an hour puts a little jingle in your pocket but do you think that when you charge that 30 the word wont get out that electricians can be had for 30 bucks an hour?
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