ITO said:
If HOs knew how much exposure they have doing this sort of deal, they wouldn't do it.
The guy next door to me hired a kid from the neighborhood to mow his lawn, who then proceeded to trip over a garden hose and break his wrist. His parents and their layer worked his insurance over until it was gone then went after him on a work comp claim.
The scary part is, this same kid used to mow my lawn too.
All of the comments about liability are certainly legit and I hope dSilanskas gets the necessary insurance and handles himself ethically in all ways but, to be totally honest, damage can be inflicted by anybody.
ITO said:
Does he have a contractor's license?
Does he have a tax ID?
Does he have a DBA?
Does he have any state mandated insurance to be contracting?
Is there a contract or written agreement?
I've been screwed by general contractors that had years of experience, licensed, tax ID, DBA, insured, contract. . I've been to court with lawyers and found out the hard way how many run their scam. . I've been on the losing end of the "shell game" and lost
many times more than the price of dSilanskas job.
Anybody can screw the homeowner. . Anybody can slap on a bogus lien that takes money to fight. . Anybody can not pay the insurance and let it lapse. . Anybody can skip out on the subs and leave the homeowner with a lien on his house.
Anybody can screw the small contractor . Anybody can play the multicompany "shell game" and plot to have all of the subs contracted to the company that is "suddenly" and "unexplainably" broke and bankrupt while the general drives off the continue on with the other big money companies in his shell game group.
The story of the broken wrist lawn mower is completely disgusting. . But the level of damage is "kids play" compared to what is being done to the honest small business man everyday. . The small business man is the backbone of this country and gets screwed daily. . His losses can be staggering.
Everybody starts small with their first house just like dSilanskas. . It's not about how large or small you are. . It's about your ethics. . It's about doing the right thing.
I don't dispute that the kid mowing lawns or the "one man band" electrician just starting out can screw you. . But I'm honestly not that worried. . I've taken the big hit and I know now who I should
really worry about.