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Have you ever seen this before? I am trying to cross reference this, nothing. Is part of a spot welidng machine, this control and air solenoid and it is adjustable, no schematics, maybe 40 years old. Any suggestion are really appriciated.(Besides getting a new one)Thanks
Looks like a time delay relay. Theyre pretty common in that form factor except with the pot and knok on the top of the device. I havent seen one where the pot is external like that.
yes it is a time delay relay, but with a pot, never seen that before. and all my distributors either. I am keep googling see what happens. The manufacture of this machine is out of business of course.
Rob, my guess would be in series with the coil. Maybe it was wired across a shunt for current regulation, and the pot allowed adjustment.
The quality of the workmanship and the overall design makes me want to suggest that this may be a modified part.

I was thinking the same thing. Looks like a standard relay that was modified.


What exactly is it's intended purpose? If it's a Time delay relay as others have suggested then it should be relatively easy to find a substitute. Looks like Omnetics may still be in business but it seems to focus on connectors now.
Well I remove this relay from a bank of 6 relays 2 different model with no pot and 4 with the pot control. I open the relay and found a circuit boark inside and one wire of the board comes out to one side of the pot. This pot with the other 3 controls time of welding, holding time of piece,etc. Of course there is no schematics availble, but I found this relay malfunctioning because it is the one that energize air valve to let upper part to come to down to weld. So it was working on and off. I will take pictures next time I'm there.
Even though it has not been modified, you can still take that pot (after testing it) and put it on a standard time delay relay.
The relay is most likey what was malfunctioning.
A quick "sweep cleaning" of the pot and reinstall it.
The pot is just a means of adjusting the duration of the time that the jaws stay closed to achieve the weld penetration. Grainger,McMaster Carr should have an adjustable time delay relay that has multiple ranges from seconds to minutes. One with an external reset for the time function.
following the wire from the circuit board. Seems that the pot does not control the time of no/nc contact but the coil itself, again there is a electronic board inside the relay. I will put a picture now
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