HO wants to help

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Senior Member
So I go over to the HO's house with my proposal for his basement remod, I was referred from his neighbor who was extremly happy w/ my work but also has a bigger wallet.

I broke down the proposal to him and he didn't expect it to be as much as it was. He asked if there was any way to lower it, and I replied that I could not lower my quality of work. He then asked if he could wire in all the recessed lights, he said he had done some before. Can you believe that?? What an insult, I told him for liability reasons that is not an option. If he wants a DIY job, then thats fine, but don't waste my time. I'm a professional


Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
You gotta stand your ground. Put value to your knowlege and work. Te only thing I'd let the Ho do is dig trench , install lamps, and demo work.


Senior Member
I only would let the HO tell me were he wanted the ceiling fan. I think you handled that good. Do you accept credit cards? you could have pushed that more?



Senior Member
Birmingham, AL
Since I work alone having the HO as a helper is fine with me. I work on T & M and he is there to answer questions and often expand the scope of the job. There is never a question like "are you done yet?'.

Every one of these jobs gets me two others and we become great buddies.


ohm said:
Since I work alone having the HO as a helper is fine with me. I work on T & M and he is there to answer questions and often expand the scope of the job. There is never a question like "are you done yet?'.

Every one of these jobs gets me two others and we become great buddies.

Sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Oh my baaack...hope you had workman's comp.


Senior Member
ohm said:
Since I work alone having the HO as a helper is fine with me. I work on T & M and he is there to answer questions and often expand the scope of the job. There is never a question like "are you done yet?'.

Every one of these jobs gets me two others and we become great buddies.

I also work alone, but just the idea of leaving the job one day and coming back the next and all the lights are wired....I wouldn't be able to sleep, maybe one has a loose connection.... possible fire hazard.. not worth the stress risk.

I do agree with one of the above remarks about not getting mad at the HO, I understand if he can't afford it, I thanked him for his time and left on good terms. I also encouraged him to get more estimates to show him where mine stands.. I am comfortable in my estimate and do not want to be there working, wishing I wasn't because I had to lower the price.


Senior Member
Newport, NC
SiddMartin said:
So I go over to the HO's house with my proposal for his basement remod, I was referred from his neighbor who was extremly happy w/ my work but also has a bigger wallet.

I broke down the proposal to him and he didn't expect it to be as much as it was. He asked if there was any way to lower it, and I replied that I could not lower my quality of work. He then asked if he could wire in all the recessed lights, he said he had done some before. Can you believe that?? What an insult, I told him for liability reasons that is not an option. If he wants a DIY job, then thats fine, but don't waste my time. I'm a professional

I have been there, and while I agree woth some of what has been posted, and there are some HOs that will provide genuine help, most of the ones that want to help to cut costs become a nuisance. Never again (never say never, :rolleyes: :D ). This is my price, fair to both parties.

Buck Parrish

Senior Member
khixxx said:
1. Quietly and calmly open your laptop case.
2. Remove your laptop.
3. Start it up.
4. Make sure HO can see the screen.
5. Close your eyes, tilt your head up to the sky & move your lips as if praying.
6. Then hit this link


That is arabic writing above that clock.
That was funny, even though I'm not sure if it would be funny if we knew what the writing meant.


Senior Member
I've let good customers HANG recessed lights, but I do the wiring. The lay out takes time, this way they have to be happy with the layout, plus I get the contract. After that its basicly seeping. Homeowners seem to take for ever to drill holes. As far as workers comp, the homeowner is in their own house, and they are not being paid. Its no different than a worker getting hurt at home and then trying to blame it on work at a jobsite. Workers comp is not going to start dishing out money without a fight.


Senior Member
I always get a kick out of homeowners who offer to drill my holes. They think that this is the major part of the job. They also think that if they do drill they are going to get a major discount out of me. I giggle at them when this gets suggested. My drill bits eat wood faster than the govt comes to collects my money. I pull a twenty out of my wallet and say sure, if you do all the drilling I'll give you this twenty dollar bill........


Senior Member
hardworkingstiff said:
It's tight for some people. If you won't/can't go lower, then that's it. No need to (edit: get mad at) the HO.

I never get mad at people for trying to save money because I do it all the time. Here is something to think about, if things are really tight then a person doesn't decide to remodel a basement. Every dollar that they save on electrical they normally spend somewhere else.

I can help a homewowner save money on most jobs but this normally just means cutting the scope of work somewhat and not lowering the price on each fixture.

I have seen a HO cry and complain about not having money for fixtures and then go out and buy the most expensive cabinets made or get a really high end counter top. The money is normally there it just depends on who gets it, the electrician or the counter guy.


Senior Member
Baltimore, MD
growler said:
I have seen a HO cry and complain about not having money for fixtures and then go out and buy the most expensive cabinets made or get a really high end counter top. The money is normally there it just depends on who gets it, the electrician or the counter guy.

I think that the HO is going to see the cabinets and counter tops, but not the electrical (besides lights). Many don't understand spending money on what will be unseen, and/or on things that they don't really understand.

Buck Parrish

Senior Member
For a time and material job.
It's normally $75 an hr for one electrician.

If the home owner wants to watch it's $95 an hr.
If the home owner wants to help it's $125 an hr.;)


Senior Member
Northern illinois
don't get offended. its not an insult. its just about money. some people are not in a position to spend as much money, or don't want to spend it as other people are.

if you don't want to get involved with a situation like that just tell them that politely, thank them for their time, and then get up to leave. they will either show you to the door or decide they really don't want to participate all that much.

a lot of HOs want to work on their own home as well. they don't necessarily have the skills or time to do it themselves, so need someone else to do some or most of the work, but still want to feel like they did something.


Senior Member
I wouldnt want the customer in my way while Im working, and Im not in the business of training customers to do electrical work, if they want to save money, they can agree to clean up at the end of each day.
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