house outlets not working on generator power?

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New member
roy, WA
Dear Mike and friends,

Quick question...

Military pilot of 20 years, house in the woods, already wired with a generator attachemnt, briggs and stratton 8,000 watt generator.

I am not the original owner/builder of the house and it did not come with any details of this system. I understand how it is should my mind..ha ha..

Seriously, Our power went out, I started up the generator, hooked it to the house, started flipping the switches from main line to portable, saw the wattage meter start moving as each one of the power transfers were switched...the lights came on in the house, but nothing else. I walked around with a lamp and plugged it into each outlet, nothing. No Water heater, no central air, no outlets, no well water pump, nothing except the the light switches. Does this make sense?

In my mind it would run everything that I intend to run via the transfer switches and being smart, I would switch the water heater and the Hvac on and off based upon my electrical load meter on the house I would watch. With everything on, the meter is barely off of zero. I still have to run extension cords to the fridge and freezer and stuff.

Is this normal? or do you think I have something busted somewhere that would attach the generator to the outlets?

Wierd thing is my grandma in Texas told me she has the same issue with her emergency power. Is this the norm? if so, why?


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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I would call an electrician to see what you are doing as it is hard to know from your description. Also, I am sorry but

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