House wiring

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elecguy21 said:
Yes the 2 meters out side with a nipple to the first floor panel and a nipple to the 100 cb for second floor panel.
Do the 2 meter can's have 100 amp disconects built with them such as meter disconect combo type?
House Wiring

House Wiring

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elecguy21 said:
Yes the 2 meters out side with a nipple to the first floor panel and a nipple to the 100 cb for second floor panel.

Now you have a problem. The service disconnects need to be grouped together. You can't have the 1st floor disconnect in the panel on the inside of the building and the 2nd floor disconnect on the outside. Take a look at 230.72.
infinity said:
Now you have a problem. The service disconnects need to be grouped together. You can't have the 1st floor disconnect in the panel on the inside of the building and the 2nd floor disconnect on the outside. Take a look at 230.72.

Careful there. We are allowed to run a set of service entrance conductors to each occupancy per 230.40 Exception 1. Then 230.71(A) says that the disconnects FOR EACH SET OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS may consist of up "not more than six switches...". There may not be more than six switches grouped in any one location. The Entrance conductors will need to be run on the exterior of the building, but each OCCUPANCY is allowed to have it's own set of disconnects. That OCCUPANCY's disconnects must be grouped together, but the disconnects for each occupancy can (in fact should) be located in the individual occupancy. This is a two family dwelling so that changes things.
haskindm said:
Careful there. We are allowed to run a set of service entrance conductors to each occupancy per 230.40 Exception 1. Then 230.71(A) says that the disconnects FOR EACH SET OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS may consist of up "not more than six switches..."

But don't his service entrance conductors for the second floor end at the outside disconnect? The conductors going to the second floor are feeder conductors. The SEC's never make it to the second floor.
Sounds sorta hacked what your are proposing. Why not just put up a 2 meter base with two 100 amp disconnects built in or adjacent. Run SER to your panels. Done and it looks good. Does putting the disco for the up unit in the down unit violate a code, building or?
infinity said:
Now you have a problem. The service disconnects need to be grouped together. You can't have the 1st floor disconnect in the panel on the inside of the building and the 2nd floor disconnect on the outside. Take a look at 230.72.

he still never said if the disconnect was going on the outside or not.
Hi guys thanks for all the help thats coming from here.

Stickboy the meters will be in a 2 gang meter pan out side, going out the back of pan from each meter to the inside right into a 100a panel for 1 and either a 100a panel or a 100a cb for #2. No2 has an ac unit ,a furnace and a garage door open on first floor. Both apartments have 2 baths each and Iplan on using 1 20a cb for 2 baths. any thoughts on both of these wiring ways?
rbwsparky said:
I always use metal 4X4 boxes with mudrings for all my receptacles and swiches. They ensure your decices will stay put forever.
What? :-? 'Splain, please.
Complete each lighting circuit's cable runs completely before moving onto something else. Its easy to forget a wire if you do it part here, part there, and try to remember where you left off yesterday. Finish the circuit first and then go home, you won't regret that one.(school of hard knocks). Stackers at switches make the job go faster. I like the separation of lights from receptacle outlets also, but as far as that goes, whatever floats your boat.
elecguy21 said:
Stickboy the meters will be in a 2 gang meter pan out side, going out the back of pan from each meter to the inside right into a 100a panel for 1 and either a 100a panel or a 100a cb for #2. No2 has an ac unit ,a furnace and a garage door open on first floor. Both apartments have 2 baths each and Iplan on using 1 20a cb for 2 baths. any thoughts on both of these wiring ways?

Ok so now the picture is a little clearer. Both service disconnects on the inside of the house. Will the second floor tenant have access to his 100 amp disconnect next to the first floor panel?
is this multi family dwelling a side by side or a over / under and does it have garages..give us a better idea on what it is..I can assume a over under / under but we know what assumptions are..
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